Thursday, January 31, 2013

Random follow #28 - @anabels

Today's random kiwi tweeter is one of the great people of twitter who has yet to be discovered.  If there were a 'NZ Twitter Idol' competition today's person would be right up there in the top 10.  @anabels is a yet to be discovered gem of New Zealand twitter.  @anabels is really nice, has a great sense of humor, and is without a doubt highly intelligent as she is currently preparing her proposal for her PhD thesis research project.

It is rare that any tweeter can string multiple tweets in any day that are worthy of favoriting or make you (really) laugh out loud but @anabels is able to make me laugh multiple times a day.

Here are some examples of tweets that really amused me just in the last few days -

"Wednesday strikes again. 7pm and I've accomplished nothing going to bed before I do anything stupid Like text the tax accountant "

"Love Real Groovy! Homer and The Hunger Games on the same shelf!"  (Editors note - that's Homer as is the philosopher and not The Simpsons cartoon character - LOL).

Another thing I like about @anabels is that she operates/works/lives and breathes higher education. An area that I know a little something about.

Here are a few other interesting bits and pieces - she has a great sense of musical taste (she went to Laneway Fest NZ), she is a sporty person - and likes running and triathlon too.

She also has a particular area of life that she tweets about.  Its like she has drawn a circle around what subjects she will tweet about and there are plenty of other areas that she won't.  Personally I really like that.  @anabels tweets allude to what she is doing but don't give away the full story.  Its like the tweets that are written relate to certain subject matters and the rest of her life stuff is contained to being "in real life".

So there you go.  Today's random kiwi tweeter is a yet to be discovered gem of New Zealand twitter. 

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