Sunday, January 13, 2013

Random follow #14 - @katywr and @curlsinmyhair

Today I'm going with two tweeters.  Why two?  Because they are  (best friends).  Not just twitter besties but best friends in real life who have been able to link up through twitter (and Facebook too probably) and continue on their friendship.  Through thick and thin their friendship has stood the test of time and they are still going strong.

So who are these two tweeters?  They would be two very lovely ladies who go by the twitter names @katywr and @curlsinmyhair.

I haven't tried looking to see how often they tweet each other but I'm sure it must be often.  Real friendships can occur online but the depth and need of a friendship that only ever occurs in an online space (I think) doesn't really develop the depth or emotion that being friends in real life does.  And lots of conversations and communication occurs via DM's om twitter.  And I am picking time on the telephone too.

As individuals though I really enjoy seeing their individual timelines when you see tweets like these appear -

"NOT IMPRESSED at #hubby trying to contain laughter, while trying to explain to #missfive why 'Shit' is only an adult word."  That from @katywr.   And this tweet from  @curlsinmyhair -

"4 out of 4 people agree, purple asparagus does not cause "asparagus wee". "

So there you go.  Besties use twitter too.  And this is the tweet that tops all other tweets to describe the friendship -

"@Katywr @HagmanNZ I love my besties like I love chocolate, which is a lot & all the time by the way!"

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