Monday, January 7, 2013

Random follow #7 - @TroyRF

One of my guidelines for this project (blog) is no A-list twitter celebrities.  Depending on who you speak to todays random follow could be considered to be an a-lister.  I however like to think of him as being one of the good guys on twitter.

In real life he is actually the big cheese at the @NZHerald as far as social media presence goes.  Which is no mean feat.  Finding the balance between good content to share on social media versus randomly spamming people with supposed news is a learned art.  And one it appears that Troy has learned well.

And if you do follow him prepare to see some good content.  Not the usual "here's a photo of my cat/dinner/car" type tweets.  But tweets more like this -

"I think the bus driver who keeps missing me thinks he's Rorschach: "He will shout 'pick me up' ...and I'll look down, and whisper "no."

While I haven't actually met Troy in real life yet I have met his wife @VickyRF and she is lovely.  Oh yeah and someone mentioned that they have an adorable bulldog too. Being a liker of dogs totally sets him apart on cool factor scale too btw.  Because dogs are way cooler than cats.  #justsaying

Go on.  Follow him.  He is one of the good guys!

Public service announcement: This is a bulldog.  Just so you know.  Not Troy and Vicky's bulldog but a bulldog none the less.

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