Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Random follow #153 - @tripthestation

Anyone who has ever worked in a government agency for any length of time can attest to the fact that it can be a quite dark and lonely place.  Some departments have their little ray of sunshine who is able to break the monotony of the day and bring life to an otherwise dull landscape.  @tripthestation is one of those people.  (The sunny ones, not the dull and dreary ones).

Chelsea is a stunning young lady in both persona and intellect.  Hailing form the mighty metropolis that is otherwise known as "The Hutt" she is a grass roots girl who keeps her dreams big but her feet on the ground.  If you are looking for a funny, inviting and witty tweeter to follow then Chelsea comes highly recommended.

And her real life personality is represented really well through her tweets.  She is one tweeter who I really
wish I could kick back and have a big glass of wine with and not say anything but just wait and listen to what might come out next.  Now I have NO idea what she does for work and this next tweet certainly doesn't help make matters any clearer -

"My job is quite strange. I just went from talking to a member about granny panties & heavy periods to talking to another about gun policies."

And it appears that @tripthestation is a popular twitter chick given that she is followed by 43 people that I follow on twitter as well.  That's quite some achievement I must say!  She also has a eye for style and some quite clear guidelines on what does and what doesn't work for her -

"Your email signature is in comic sans. Please discontinue emailing me. I cannot take you seriously."

And another cool thing about living in the Hutt?  Pretty much everyone knows everyone - 

"The thing I like about Upper Hutt is if I sit in a public place stranded for long enough, one of my parents old bogan mates will find me."

From what I have seen of Chelsea's tweets they are well thought out, spelled correctly and can stand the test of time.  She interacts a lot and gives you a different take on the everyday happenings going on around her.  
So if you are looking for a young, vivacious, witty and quite endearing tweeter then Chelsea is your girl.  If you are looking for the opposite of those traits you may want to follow some old farts twitter account.  Like @johnkeypm.

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