Sunday, April 14, 2013

Random follow #94 - @mfcuk2

Freedom of speech is the first of the amendments that belong to the Constitution of the United States of America.  What that means is that every man, woman and child has the right to share their views with the world.  Not all of those views will be agreed with and often times the views shared are controversial and the opposite of that others think.  But they are still views, nevertheless, and the law says they can be shared.

@mfcuk2 is a twitter user who makes no apologies for sharing his point of view.  Twitter as a public space and forum is the ideal platform for him to share his views as well as challenge your thinking and philosophies.
Malcolm leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that he can (and will) challenge the conventional.  Here is his twitter bio - "Opinions r my own! Offended? Get over it, as it was intentional!".

He has a fresh perspective on the world and a very healthy (and at times heavy) intellectual wit.  I really enjoy his links to news articles and stories that would not normally catch my eye or come across my desk.  Not everybody understands his approach which can lead to this -

"RT : People don't get my jokes i'm like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

Couple that with a fantastic, albeit a genuine but quirky sense of humor and you get this -

"RT : “The problem with quotes on the Internet is that you can't always be sure of their authenticity.” ~ Abraham Lincoln"

But its exactly that wit and sense of humor that makes him so endearing - "RT 3d printers don't kill people. People with 3d printed lightsabres kill people."

So he is a very funny chap.  And I say chap because from what I understand that is a term often used in the country he spent many years in.  Maybe these tweets go a little way to explaining some more about him -

"Waiting for the bus, I'm approached by someone asking for a spare $2. I politely say no. He shakes my hand and says "Welcome to NZ!"

"The urge to say "But I've lived in NZ for 4 and a half years!" was great. Assumptions are everything and nothing at the same time! "

Please don't get me wrong.  @mfcuk2 is not a tweeter who intentionally practices at pissing people off.  Its just that often times people don't quite get where he is coming from.  He is also a very sensitive and kind guy who is well able to express himself in a gentle and compassionate way towards people.

In the days before the Christchurch earthquake it was commonplace for those with a message to bring either a chair or a step ladder out into Cathedral Square, find a spot where they could be well seen and easily heard and then start sharing their message.  That is how I see @mfcuk2 and social media.  You can stop and listen to him if you so choose.  If not then just keep walking.  But that isn't going to stop him from sharing his mind with the world.

It would be good though if a few more of you stopped and took notice.  You could learn a thing or two.  I know I have.

The soap box.  The classic platform for taking your message to the streets.
Has it been replaced by social media?  Food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind and accurate portrayal of myself. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were one of my dearest old friends in London! :-)
