Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Random follow #82 - @NZMcKenzie

Some of the loveliest people on twitter are the one's who go about their business, don't make much of a fuss and enjoy conversing with others in a friendly and open way. @NzMcKenzie is just one of those people.

Being a mum is a full time employment opportunity for any woman (or man if you're lucky enough).  The more children you have the more your time gets spread amongst all the various hobbies, interests and sporting commitments of your kids.  So taking the time to spoil yourself every now and then is an absolute must.  And Tina knows this fact well and is able to take time to treat herself - "Post holiday washing & unpacking complete. Post holiday pedi & mani must surely be next. ;)".

And there is something really nice about mum tweeters.  Mums seem to have a certain appreciation of the little things in life that many others of us take for granted or don't have the time to notice due to the busyness of our lives. Such as @NzMcKenzie tweets like - "Slumber party in the lounge tonight with my kids. They're still up, we are laughing, and having fun while their Dad is away. Life is perfect"

She is also a people person who places high value on her friends.  And contained in the final few words of this tweet is a truth that stands the test of time - "Home after a fab Easter Break in . Caught up with friends, made new ones & spent time with family. People make all the difference :)"

And then there are the quite funny tweets that capture the little things in life - "Crap! Miss1 has disabled my iPhone. Any ideas on how to fix it???" or "Miss 1 has only just got down for her afternoon nap, a builder turns up nextdoor and starts up his skillsaw. Typical! "

From what I can tell Tina tweets fairly regularly but not excessively.  She has a healthy relationship with twitter and knows how to use it in such a way as to add value to the timelines of those who follow her.  So there you go.  There are plenty of reasons to follow a down to earth, genuinely honest and really likable SAHM (stay at home mum) like @NzMcKenzie.  These have been but just a few of them.

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