Monday, April 8, 2013

Random follow #88 - @irisshackleton

How we come to follow someone on Twitter can happen in number of ways.  The little suggestion box on the left or someone being tagged in a tweet along with yourself are just two of the ways.  But I think one of the best ways is when we are followed by someone we have never seen around twitter before, check out their timeline and decide to do a follow back.
That is how I came to follow @irisshackelton, and just quietly, it is one the best followbacks I have ever done. Why? Because Anna tweets a lot, both to her own followers and in reply to those she follows.  I have no doubt that a conversation with her IRL would be just as fun as tweeting her is.
For example take a look at these tweets:

"Heads up Akld. Possible intel. New neighbour works as a parking warden. I bet his Christmas parties are quiet #nofriends"

"The more I tweet about my life, the more followers I lose. Hmmm, let me think about that. Nope, not gonna change".

"That - life flash before your eyes - moment when you accidentally swallow a boiled sweet whole".

Anna also has pretty good taste in music, movies and aging Hollywood actresses, well at least I think so. She is my Twitter movie and music twin, another reason why following her back was a great twitter move on my part. Check out this convo between her and I:

"@irisshackelton: Betty White is pure lovability. She says the most terrible things and I'm like, "oh Betty, you're adorable.

@Pammygirl: OMG, I love Betty White!!! She would be the best grandmother, haha!!!

@irisshackelton: I want to adopt her and keep her forever.

But even if her taste in music movies and aging Hollywood actresses isn’t quite your cup of tea, I am sure something she tweets will catch your eye and you will become engaged in a funny or maybe even serious convo and make a new twitter friend in the process.

Whether you choose to follow @irisshackleton is totally up to you, but if you do, I promise it will be a follow you will not regret, and now I’m going to leave the last words to the lady herself:

“Just reading all my conversations. There's some pretty witty twitty action happening here. And you lot aren't bad either.”

Editors note - Thank you to @pammygirl for contributing with this post.  If anyone else wants to write a post recommending a Random Kiwi Tweeter feel free!

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