Monday, September 30, 2013

Random follow #246 - @22NickNZ

Dads are cool.  That is all.

I could pretty much complete this blog post that will tell you lots of neat things about @22NickNZ right there and know that every word was a fair and true representation of Nick.  Being a father of four means that he is constantly being pulled this way and that.  Having one child is hard work - but having four?  That equals BUSY with a capital B.

Whats really cool about Nick is that he is a dad who is involved.  Be it in the middle of the pitch or shouting from the sidelines this is one dad who gives it his all.  Dads who are involved add so much value to both their own kids as well as to all the other kids who are out there playing as well.

Coming at you on twitter out of the Eastern Bay of Plenty (Whakatane) which is also the home of most of New Zealands there is more than enough time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.  And when you have this in as your twitter bio -

"Always at a speedway track, soccer field, rugby park or school mtg" 

then you know he is legit.  So what will you find in Nicks tweets?

"Bit of Fleetwood Mac playin in background #chompingtoseeem #grreenparrot"

"Only Brian Moore missing #sundaylunchtimesoccer #oldskool #BLS"

"Late night hotel gym session , room key stopped working, lift out of order , 5 flights of stairs later x 2
Never mind morning ses #buggered"

Nick isn't the most prolific tweeter and with having a large size family to care for I can understand why.  In fact he is one tweeter who uses the platform as a way to just quietly keep in contact with the world without if becoming his world.  And that right there is something I totally respect.

So if you are looking to add someone to your timeline who is genuine, mature and an all round good guy - then you've come to the right place.  And just remember - dads are cool.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Random follow #245 - @takebacklocalnz

Getting a bit feisty and sticking up for what you believe in is a really great way to use social media.  So much of what we (used to) own and claim as ours here in New Zealand quite often isn't.  You'll find that the local brand that you've supported for years has in actual fact been bought and sold and all you're left with is a bit of nostalgia for an item or place that once upon a time really meant something to you.

Its for that very reason that @takebacklocalnz exists.  This is account that is heartland based and they have a clear headed and feet on the ground approach to all things New Zealand.  Biasedly based in the Waikato doesn't change the fact they are all about keeping it real and supporting the little guy.

Yes there are a few other 'popular media' sites who are trying to do this type of thing too but I reckon if we can get enough locals on the ground together then change can happen.  Here's a little snippet of what they bring to the twitter game -

"Calling all gluten free locals - be sure to check out Scott's on Ward. I've never seen so many options in one cabinet! #takebacklocal"

Yes I am aware many people may not know where Ward Street is but as I said up there ^^ this is a Waikato based account that is all about supporting the local guy/gal.  And there are the local news tweets that give you great tips on where to shop -

"Pirongia Craft Market has been an annual event since 1978. 200+ local stalls, Saturday 9am-3pm. #takebacklocal #localmarket #crafty"

Yes this particular account is about the Waikato.  But I think that if we can get these sorts of twitter accounts setup and people interacting across different towns then we really can start to TAKE BACK LOCAL!  And could there really be any better way of celebrating than this?  -->

"Looking for a way to keep dry tonight? Head down to @GoodGeorgeBeer for Brewfest! Two new beers to be revealed #takebacklocal"

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Random follow #244 - @elladeruiter

@elladeruiter is one of those special people who have the x factor or that sprinkle of fairy dust that makes twitter shine.  To get a little understanding of who she is you need to a full length scan of her twitter page.  Much like an attractive person you spot in the street Ella will make you stop and do a double take as you think - 'wow, she's really something!'.

There is so much about her that is beautiful and to like.  From her full name 'Emanuella' to her profile photo all the way day down her timeline.  There is so much to like and be attracted to.  And yes - I have done a few double takes...

Apart from the fact that she is an attractive young lady she is also a very intelligent young person who contrary to this tweet -

"I can now officially confirm that I am a sausage"

she is in fact a very smart cookie.  She is also a lady of fine taste - 

"I could really do with some chocolate right about now".

She cares about and for animals.  Ella is a self proclaimed wanna-be crazy cat lady however she also has at least one of our finer friends in her care - 

"Dog is being creepy. He is standing in the middle of the room just staring at me. :|"

What do I like about her?  Her intelligence.  Her interactions with @Edaemus.  And her sense of humor.  Its not like Ella purposely sets out to be funny - like slapstick comedy (I think) but her tweets are rather comedic and funny.  Such as - 

"I have to be the best procrastinator ever".

And its not easy being a student.  There are lots of time and work commitments which many of us forget what its like and the amount of pressure that goes with it - 

"You know what's worse than editing and revising an essay? Editing and revising a thesis! :("

I highly recommend you take a wander over to her tumblr page where she showcases some of her superb photography.  There are some very spectacular photos on show.  So here's my take on @elladeruiter in 10 words or less - young, student, attractive, smart, funny, endearing. engaging, intelligent, random, passionate.

Social media is all about what you bring to the game.  Ella brings a sharp. smart and sassy approach to life that will have you smiling as you follow along with her journey from student to success.  I am following her on twitter.  Are you going to?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Random follow #243 - @feddabonn

I love finding random tweeters.  I love it even more when I go to their twitter page and the first thing I do is get a massive smile all over my face.  I could stop right there and not tell you any more about @feddabonn cos thats just how awesome her is - but I won't.  :-p

Baruk is yet another librarian who is totally setting twitter on fire.  He has a very interesting background and also some very interesting likes and hobbies.

His background = he is a migrant from tribal India
His hobbies = a comics fanatic
His other hobby = a student of post literacy (post literacy is all about continuing education for adults) 
His drink of choice = he is a connoisseur of tequila.

What's even cooler about @feddabonn is his flexibility and adaptiveness as a person. He is an outspoken, fiercely intelligent man who is unafraid to speak truth to power...or to dress up as a superhero for a children's comic book day.  (Its that exact photo that makes me smile from ear to ear.)

His unique perspective on Aotearoa - and willingness to share it on Twitter - make him, for my money, one of the most interesting New Zealanders you can find online.

So what sort of tweets exactly will you see if you follow this one of a kind guy?

"There is personal. There is generic. 'Personalisation' is trying to make the generic look personal. Ain't nobody got time for that!"  <-- incredible insight laced with humor tweets.

"So anyone reading #LostGirls in Banned Books Week? Oh hang there Books Not Banned Yet but Might Potentially Be Week?" <-- literature tweets.

"so british people immigrated+colonised 3.5 continents, but are now upset that peeps are returning the favour? anyone else amused?" <-- call it for what it is tweets.

@feddabonn is one of the people of twitter that make it all worthwhile.  Worthwhile engaging with social media and meeting new people.  Go on - SPICE UP YOUR LIFE! and follow him.  I have.

Again a big thanks to @booksadventures for giving me the low down and good oil on Baruk!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Random follow #242 - @CaptainRaison

Kimberley, Kimberley, Kimberley.  Whatever are we to make of you?  In my opinion thats a completely fair question.  @CaptainRaison is (astoundingly) one of my favorite tweeters at the moment.  She has a complex mind and sense of humour that takes a bit of getting used to but once you begin to understand how she thinks then a whole new world of hilarity is opened up to you.

When she says that "I'm not your typical 20 year old" she isn't far wrong.  And I mean that with full respect.  There aren't many 20 year olds who have such interesting imaginations or the ability to express themselves in 140 characters or less with such punch or clarity of mind.

She is a lady of many tastes.  Lets have a look and see what some of them are - 

"People may hate on the Zelda series but everybody has to admit, the soundtrack to the games are freaking fantastic"  <-- gaming.

"Guys I'm actually 70 years old. The secret to my youthfull look is video games and freaking out about everything." <-- she has discovered the elixir of youth!

"Male hippos show their affection for the females by flinging dung at them." <-- the next Attenborough? 

"I got this new chocolate and mint body wash, holy moly, it smells SO GOOD. I'm gonna smell like a chocolate biscuit :D" <-- woman stuff.

"Maybe I should be a comedian. But I don't know how'd that work, I'd probably just stand on a stage and make cat noises." <-- potential career options.

I love @CaptainRaison's ability to tweet completely random things and completely change up my timeline when it needs a damn good oil change.

This young lady is a film student based in the deep south of the South Island and that too gives her some really great content to tweet about.  The student life, flatmates and the cold.  Most people would find those subjects pretty blah - but not @CaptainRaison.  Oh no - she manages to apply her lens of creativity to them and gives them a twist in her tweets.  She's definitely not your run of the mill tweeter. 

This post is going to be a lot like @CaptainRaison's tweets.  Short and to the point.  She doesn't waste the characters she is given for a tweet but she does manage to use a lot of tweets.  In a good way of course.  And if you're really keen to see a bit more of Kimberley head over to her Youtube channel -  It sums her up very nicely.  

So as you can see you can never be too sure about what Kimberley is going to tweet next.  You really don't know quite what is coming down the twitter stream next.  This could quite possibly be the most random twitter account in existence today.  And it is for that very reason that I follow her. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Random follow #241 - @GEoptom

Brands are all over Social Media these days. Some have got it sussed and totally rock the social media world. Others could learn a thing or two. One who has it totally sussed is @GEoptom, the twitter account for Glen Eden optometrists in Auckland. This account is relatively new to Twitter with close to 500 tweets and just a handful of followers, but Samantha, the lady behind the tweets from @GEoptom, is a well-seasoned tweeter. Her personal account @Miss_Davey, has over 17000 tweets, so you can see why @GEoptom is already rocking the twitter world, Samantha has this Twitter thing sussed!

You might think an optometrist may  not have a lot to tweet about, but when you see tweets like these:

"It's Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month & we've got sports vision covered. Check out the buyers guide to sport eyewear"

"Checking out the ranges for CAT and William Morris this afternoon. Wonder what visual delights are in store!!! #eyewear"

You know you are wrong, and you might actually learn something about eyecare too.

But optometry isn't all Samantha tweets about from this account. With the Americas Cup happening at the moment you will find tweets like this:

"Wow! What a race!!! Time to let the blood pressure settle I think #TeamNZ"
And this:

"We're 'leaning with Dean' this morning! Where are you watching the race?"

You will also find the odd random tweet like this one:

"We've got a pic in the Western Leader today. Wish the photographer could've warned us before showing up. I look terrible!" (I don't believe that last sentence for a second!)

Samantha really knows how to engage and interact with her followers, and scrolling through @Geoptom’s timeline you can see lots of tweets where she is doing just that. If she is shown the twitter love from her followers she returns it, which is what makes this such an endearing brand account to follow. You are not just another follower, Samantha makes the effort to really get to know her followers.

With Samantha behind the @Geoptom tweets, this is one brand on Twitter that is going places. And with tweets like:

"Friday meeting with the boss commencing in 5 minutes. Hope I've done enough prep on the KPI's! Tweet you lovely folks later."

You know you have hit the Twitter Brand Account jackpot.  Go on, hit the follow button, you won’t regret it.

This post was written and directed by the one and only @Pammygirl.  She's totez cool.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Random follow #240 - @AdamGoodallYes

Music and theatre are powerful things.  The way they can transport you to another dimension and underpin almost the entirety of your life.  Music is always there - sometimes on the surface and other times just hovering around the edges.  And music has also become the glue that both binds friends together as well as create memories that you return to over and over (and over if you're older) again.

Adam is one person for whom the allure of music and live theatre is so strong that he dedicates his twitter name to it.  Not just pre-recorded music that can be downloaded with ease but the experience of hearing and seeing music and its performance.  The magic that comes from being in that one place when instruments combine to create a sound that completely permeates your being.

@AdamGoodallYes is a mighty fine bloke from Dunedin.  Arguably the home of some of New Zealands greatest ever alternative bands.  He has a very sharp wit and some interesting views of the world.  He's not one to tag along with whatever fad happens to be top of mind for many others - 

"The America's Cup is now The Kid On The Playground Who Always Whined That You Weren't Playing Go Home Stay Home The Way He Said's Cup"

and he isn't afraid to say so.  And I especially like this take on politics mixing with twitter - 

"If God was that good why did he let Tau Henare have a twitter account"

But don't let us stop there.  No, let us look further at another tweet from an entirely different angle - 

"the new janelle monae album is on spotify guys"  followed by 
"(the new lorde track is p cool, not as cool as the new janelle monae album but still p cool)"

Adam is an all round good guy who will keep you on your toes.  His tweets are fresh, original and very often thought provoking too.  How I describe him in 10 words or less I hear you say?  Gamer, fresh, thought provoking, stirrer, alternative, good taste, opinionated, intelligent.

Just like his musical taste Adam marches along to his own beat.  And I have every hope that in January next year I will have the opportunity to meet this outstanding community member at the one and only Laneway Fest in Auckland.  I am picking he will be there if this tweet is anything to go by - 

"this week is the week i commit to memory the lyrics of all the songs on chvrches' debut album"

Dunedin - get your teeth into it!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Random follow #239 - @catatonichic

In the movie six degrees of separation the idea was mooted that everyone on earth is connected in some way with every other single person by a maximum of five other people.  What social media does is shortens up those distances in a huge way.  Having the ability to connect with really great people is the reason so many of us use twitter.

Todays tweeter was one degree away until I pushed the follow button and brought her into my direct connections.  @catatonichic is a lovely lady who works for the Auckland Library service.  She takes her role seriously in a professional leadership way.  Tweets about librarianship appear quite often and are relevant to many people in that they often consider the professional issues of the day.  And alongside her other duties she is also the coordinator of social media.

And did I mention that @catatonichic is the co-organiser of the Burlesque Festival for Auckland Libraries?  No?  Well click on the link, head over to Matt's blog and you can read all about it.

Her profession also enables her to travel abroad and share with others her experiences.  Recently she headed over to rural New South Wales and conducted some seminars on social media.  By all accounts it was a great presentation, it was very sharp and savvy and mixed in lots of humour for all who were there.  @booksadventures was kind enough to storify her presentation and you can view it by clicking here -

Never fear though - Tosca's account is about way more than just libraries.  She tweets about a very wide range of subject matter and topics.  Television being just one way that she enjoys spending her spare time engaging with.  And in particular Teen Wolf tends to pop up quite often in conversation.......

Here are a few examples of what is most important to her -

"Text from sibling: "Chocolate chip cookies are NOT breakfast." 1) She doesn't know me and 2) That was just a lucky guess and 3) THEY ARE"  <-- family is important and so are the necessities of life

"Canowindra has The Age of Fishes Museum. Reminded me that when I was six I was convinced I wanted to marry an ichthyologist."  <--  always plans ahead

"Also: If my iPhone is so damn fantastic, why can't it bring me chocolate? HUH? Yeah. That's what I thought." <-- technology

@catatonichic is a sassy, smart, and warm-hearted woman who has a large, very loving and eccentric family.  She is also a fantastic tweeter who is able to keep your timeline fresh and you on your toes.  And a description in 10 words or less - super aunty, lovely, sassy, intelligent, sharp, fun loving, engaging, left field.

So if your twitter timeline is needing an injection of fun, frivolity and some spice of life then @catatonichic is the tweeter for you.

(Note - a big thank you to @booksadventures for recommending Tosca as someone of great interest)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Random follow #238 - @SaltRecruitment

If you're in the market to find new employment or an opportunity to make some income then twitter can actually be the place for you.  Yes there are plenty of people in the twittersphere offering job finding tips and hints for getting a great cv but how many of those people can actually link you with real employment opportunities?

@SaltRecruitment  is one agency who specialise in recruitment and employment help for those of you who are looking for a new career or a change in employment.  Based out of Auckland and covering all of New Zealand this account is all about finding the right people for the job.

What do they tweet?  Well there is the expected content like job postings and employment tips.  But then they are also able to change things up occasionally like this -

"He's been a dentist for years so he knows the drill #fridayfunny #jobjoke

They cover the entire country and no job is too big or too small to tell people about - 

"Love coffee? We have a couple of piping hot roles in #Wellington #nzjobs"

And then there are the community tweets which ensure that you know there are real people on the other end of twitter.  Such as - 

"Today is R U OK? Day dedicated to reminding people to regularly check in with family, friends and colleagues @ruokday"

Once again here is the description of this account in 10 words or less - engaging, entertaining, value adding, opportunity providing, connective, professional, fun, brilliant.

So if you happen to be a person who is looking for a career start, a career change or just employment in general then follow the @SaltRecruitment account.  You never know what might happen.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Random follow #237 - @Kitti_word

The purpose of the RKT project is to introduce you to the people on twitter who are happy just being themselves out of the limelight and tweeting as they wish to.  One of the people who epitomises the is @Kitti_word.  She tweets away happily in her small space of social media and does so with much generosity and love.

With a really small number of followers and a comparably small number of follows twitter for Michelle is about value.  She values her friends and she values her timeline.  So much so that she has managed an astounding 17,500 tweets!   What I really like is that @Kitti_word doesn't suffer fools gladly.  Hence the reason why she keeps her friends really close.

One thing you'll find about Michelle is that she is honest.  She calls a spade a spade and won't try to convince you otherwise.  Here is one way that honesty is portrayed - 

" I totally buy a cheeseburger sometimes because I want the pickles" 

She is also a highly interactive tweeter.  So many interesting conversations are had with "real" people of twitter.  And its a joy to see.  And student like is far from easy as you can see - 

"Trying to last until midnight so I can find out my test results. It's getting hard."

Just a short post today cos @Kitti_word is one of those tweeters who you are best off to go over and check out for yourself.  how do I describe her in 10 words of less?  -->

Young, fun, honest, loyal, interactive, lovely, individual, prolific, student, lady.

This post is written specially cos Michelle is doing it a bit tough at the moment.  She doesn't need new followers just for the sake of upping her follower rate.  But what she does need are some genuine people to pull alongside and ask - "hey, are you all right today?"  Hopefully this post brightens up her day a little :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Random follow #236 - @tellyboxnz

"They put me on television. And the whole thing broke loose. It was wild, I tell ya for sure." Elvis Presley
Lights! Camera! Action!  sounds quite glamorous and it probably is.  But it is also hard work and takes quite a bit of effort and talent to get right.  Late nights, early mornings - all of those funny things go along with the requirements to make great television.

@tellyboxnz is a man who has made a career out of making good television.  Its his passion, his employment and also his creative output during working hours.  Outside of working hours he has a plethora of interests.   One of those interests is the game of treasure hunt -->

"Hahaha. Chocolate? What chocolate? I didnt see any chocolate. Youre welcome to any you find. Ive hidden 40 bars around building"

I am not sure which building he is referring to but it sounds like a mighty good one to get lost in.  Martin is not a person who follows pointless trends just for the sake of it either.  Be it in real life on the television as this tweet shows you - 

"Didn't watch #SharknadoNZ. Watched me a bit of @bbceastenders on @UKTVnz #betterer #jeanisamazing"

And there are the tweets where you sit back and wonder just what on earth is this guy on about???

"Is anyone good at crafts and have ANY idea how I might even start thinking about how to construct a wall of bananas? #notreallycrafts"  and this one -->

"Very pleased with the amount of #duck appearances in #despicableme2 #quack #iloveducks"

It is exactly that kind out of out of the box tweet that just appears out of nowhere and takes you by surprise that I love to see.  And then there are the occasional box set tweets that let you that his television producing career is very much alive and well - 

"Bye @itstvnzu it's been fun. I love you all xxx".  Or was as far as that project went but he has now moved on.

@tellyboxnz is a cool guy ho has a really neat career.  He is not yet quite a kiwi as far as being a legal citizen goes but hey - if you live you're pretty much one of us already.  Right?  How do I describe Martin as a tweeter in 12 words or less?  Lets go - funny, engaging, popular, interesting, different, friendly, open, chocolate lover, mysterious, nice guy.

The best way I describe this tweeter is a fun loving, you get what you see, laid back and happy go lucky kind of guy.  he will brighten up your timeline, throw it a little off center every now and then but most importantly he will amuse you and make you laugh.  And those are important traits I look for when choosing someone new to follow.  Go on - get amongst it!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Random follow #235 - @LoveVegasNZ

When you walk past someone in the street or meet them for the first time you have no idea about the person, their life story or their accomplishments.  They could easily pass you by and you would never know.  Todays twitter person is exactly one of those people.

@LoveVegasNZ is literally brand new to twitter by about two weeks.  She joined twitter because a group of us were having a tweet-up and she thought she better at least signed up before coming along.  Whats really cool is that I actually get to work with Amanda pretty much every day so I have a pretty good knowledge of who she is and her personality.

Amanda is a generally quiet person with a magnificent sense of self confidence and achievement.  She has a very pleasant manner about her and a gorgeous smile that is totally infectious.  Calm would be another great way to describe her.  I have yet to see her get in a flap over anything.  Amanda is also a planner.  Her brain thinks in the long term planning goals that span many years while still being able to operate at a level of precision whereby she executes the demands of today.

Another thing is - she is a very attractive young lady who is smack bang in the prime of her life.  She also looks after herself both mentally and physically by getting out into the outdoors be it on foot or by mountain bike.

Did I mention that she has a PhD yet?  Like I said at the beginning of this post - if you didn't ask or know already then you probably wouldn't find out.  There is no false humility or fear of the tall poppy here.  Rather there is a quiet self confidence and knowledge that what she has achieved so far in her life, while amazing, is also not the sum total of who she is as a person.

If you were to look through her timeline then you'd never know any of what I just said up there.  Well maybe you would pick up on some of it.  Like the fact that she divulges very little about her accomplishments.  But then again there is only so much you share in 26 tweets I suppose.

So what has she tweeted about in her very short twitter life so far?  Mainly about education, sports and politics.  With a dominant weighting towards sports.  I recommend just keeping an eye out for what @LoveVegasNZ  is up to.  You might just find she could say something that could really impact you.  And if any tweet was going to sum up her and her experience of twitter so far, then it would be this - 

"WOW, this is like facebook but interesting stuff comes up!"

Monday, September 16, 2013

Random follow #234 - @BobbShen

Carving up your timeline and bringing some fresh energy is a random tweeter who I recently discovered.  He is a lover of art, architecture and food.  @BobbShen is a stunning tweeter who has such an eclectic and broad set of interests that his tweets pretty much have something for everyone in them.

Bobby is currently working on his thesis for his higher study.  What's magnificent is that his thesis is not an intellectual rant but a work of art.  Its all about architecture and how we both relate to and interact with it.  So here is a little snippet of what turned to be some great tweeting yesterday -

"OK, to spice up my layouting process I'll be sharing #thesis photos, enjoy! (I'll only put up good ones) Let me know what you think."

But like all things study wise sooner or later they come to an end - 

"Can't believe I have to find a real life architecture job at the end of the year
(or technically, if I'm to start then, now...)"

And then there is the common pain of every student's life - 

"I know this has been said so many times, but I hate referencing, argh. Nothing so PC in my life."

What's neat about Bobby is that he has a healthy number of followers and a good number of follows too.  So he has been plying his trade here on twitter for a while now having racked up just under 22k tweets.  So he''s not a newbie but rather a well seasoned tweeter.  Its really nice looking through someone's timeline and recognising names of people you already follow and value.

So what else does tweet about?

"Rostering volunteers in for Architecture Week, themed women in architecture this year! 
(which doesn't mean males can't help ;)"

Well he spends quite a bit of time encouraging people to engage with Architecture for Humanity Auckland 

(@AFHAuckland).  This group are a collective of design professionals who give their time to assist communities in need.  So its fair to say that Bobby is a person who places a high value on others.

In case you hadn't figured it out yet, here is my way of describing @BobbShen as a tweeter in 10 words or less - hard working, creative, giving, generous, interactive, sensational, mature, nice, expressive.  Worth a follow?  ABSOLUTELY.  5 stars right here.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Random follow #233 - @BubblesReedy

"Whāia te iti kahurangi Ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei"

@BubblesReedy is an amazing lady who lives her life in pursuit of both a challenge and excellence.  She pursues her dreams that are fulfilling not just for her but the overflow of her success goes out to her family and whanau as well.  Being involved in the teaching of digital media to young people both at Lytton High and across the Gisborne region she knows what it is to be at the coal face of dealing with youth in a complex and changing world.

Her lineage is Ngati Porou (East Coast) and she is also fluent in te reo Maori.  It is with her mastery of te reo along with her passion for teaching that has the opportunity to be involved in a number of projects whereby both the preservation of the language as well as the support of Maori students is the focus of her energies.

So what sort of challenges or pursuits of excellence is she engaged in?  Well being fluent in yet another language is one pursuit that Katarina is currently trying to master - 

"#tonganlanguageweek Malo e lelei! He Maori ahau. My word for today. Lanu = Tae = Colour.#becomingmiltilingual"

Learning how to work with digital media - 

"I'm making my superhero profile webpage ( …) learning #HTML#CSS the fun way with @CodeAvengers"

And then there is her own challenge which is sharing a repository of collected poems and poetry with the world.  You can view her ever growing collection by checking out her website which is located here -  Every now and then she shares a new poem via twitter too.  And here is a nice example of her work -

"New moon/Blue pearl/Orbiting her ocean king/Afloat on the black/His captivating jewel revealed/Salacia/Salt sea empress/Home at last #Poem"

So what value will she add to your timeline if you follow her?  @BubblesReedy brings creativity, a Maori world view of issues facing us today, some fantastic links to resources for both teaching and digital resources.  Her pursuits of challenges will hopefully make you stop and think.  And she also brings a fun and energetic approach to both life, and social media, that will put a smile on your dial.

Katarina is one of the absolute newest follow I have made recently I am thoroughly pleased that I did.

"Pursue excellence – should you stumble, let it be to a lofty mountain"

(Note - todays kiwi tweeter was recommended by @winstonmoreton. If you know of someone who you think is a great tweeter who deserves some shine feel free to drop me a line.)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Random follow #232 - @Forest_and_Bird

Having the support of the general public and wider population is vital for both the restoration as well as the ongoing success of preserving New Zealand's native flora and fauna.  And yes - it is everybody's responsibility to make sure we preserve the treasures we have for the future.

One special group of conservationists are the good folk at @Forest_and_Bird.  They are tasked with looking after the wild places of New Zealand and all that comes with them.  The birds, the animals, the mammals and trees.  The frogs that are seen by the very few through to the flaxes that adorn the countryside.

Harnessing the power of social media to promote projects, build a community of conservationists and like minded people as well as share knowledge and facts that may otherwise not be discovered is the purpose of this account.  And this account is quite active.  If you check out the timeline you'll find all sorts of great stuff.  Here lets have a look at a few examples -

"Forest & Bird; we are about much more than just forests and birds …"  An overview of their work.

"Saving our albatross, … and from the RNZ this morning …"  An introduction to some of our winged friends who need looking after.

"Our work protecting New Zealand's high country …"  And this tweet tells us just how much scope they have as in how much land they look after.

You're not asked to sign up for anything.  There is no drive for money.  But what there is are educational and inspiring tweets that will hopefully lift your line of sight to see the opportunities that are available for you to make a difference in preserving the beauty that is New Zealand.

Being a person who enjoys the outdoors for recreation and being someone with a lifelong passion and connection with the outdoors choosing to follow this account was easy.  And I am totally happy I did.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Random follow #231 - @RenaStarluck/@Sharizard1

One of the key traits that I look for in tweeters is someone who can make me laugh.  A person who has an ability to say absurd things or just be plain silly.  Those are the people I really enjoy following on twitter.  Todays random person has this personality trait covered in spades.  And not only is she hilarious on twitter she also has facebook covered too.

@RenaStarluck is a young lady who is a young mum student located somewhere in mysterious Auckland.  Shar, her kids and her cats live together and hang out most nights online.  They rule the social media airwaves!  Some women are accused of being crazy cat ladies.  Shar is a crazy ANIMAL woman.  She loves animals!  All sorts, all sizes and all breeds.  And her passion extends so far that she has from time to time looked after lost and abandoned animals too.

"Gah I need to work out tomorrow but I also want to get in on this bonus work is offering plus the bunnies need to go for their date..."

And what happened on the so called bunny date?  Well skip forward through her timeline and you find this update - 

"I don't get it. Daphne just has no interest in breeding. But Dandy is all for it.  Fingers crossed we have babies in a months time!" and then -

"Just fed babby goats. Hell yeah semi rural living"

@RenaStarluck is really pretty.  Like a really, really attractive lady.  And that attractiveness extends to her tweets.  They aren't always safe for work but hey what fun is there living on the safe side all the time?  Like - 
"ARGH the more you tell me not to do it the more I am going to, SO THERE"

So why am I recommending a locked account?  Because Shar is an incredible lady with tons of talent.  She is young, fun loving, strong and very loyal.  If following someone's locked account isn't your thing (or if she decides not to let you follow her - which is totally at her discretion) then you could follow her open account which is @Sharizard1.  To be fair both accounts are really great to follow but my personal preference is the @RenaStarluck account.  Simply because its a bit more honest - what isn't behind closed doors?

So in 15 words or less here are the reasons to follow her - funny, loyal, honest, hilarious, mum, attractive, incredible, amazeballs, animals, cats, kids, friend, gamer and passionate.  So how about a follow?  I do.

Note - @Pammygirl requested this post tonight.  Both Pam and myself really enjoy following Shar's tweets so yeah - she comes very highly recommended.  


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Random follow #230 - @jonoboswell

A free and radical spirit would be one way to describe a gentleman who has devoted his life to serving others.  Okay in serving others there is quite a bit of shine that you get when you're a lawyer.  But ultimately the purpose of the profession is to serve others.  And that is just what @jonoboswell does.  And does well.

But being a lawyer is only one part of Jono and his life.  The other part which he describes himself as is an entrepreneur.  This is an interesting mix.  The lawyer on one side who understands complexity, procedure and compliance while on the other hand the entrepreneur is looking for possibility, opportunity and big shiny new things.

So whats to like?  Well he's an optimist with a fantastic outlook on life - 

"It's a blue sky Monday."

He's also only twitter when he has something to say or share.  So there is a particular value to his tweets.  When he posts something it's worth pausing your timeline for a minute and taking in what he has posted.  And he posts tweets on a whole range of items.  From the law -

"Great blog post about the future of legal services …"

To good advice for everyone -

"Practical advice for entrepreneurs from @entrepreneurhq1: "I get hit, I get up...”

Occasionally he gives you a little glimpse into his homelife.  Not much but just a slight opening of the day for you to peer through.  Like this tweet which speaks way more volumes about someone than 1,000 other pointless tweets - 

"Hello Monday. I love the eagerness my children show for getting into the day...
when it is still really the middle of the night"

Jono has more going on than just his twitter account.  He also has a very funky blog which has some really neat posts on it.  And like his twitter timeline there are items of both interest and value on there.  I recommend taking a wander over and having a look.  It really is quite a neat blog and you can find it here -

So here's my description of @jonoboswell in 15 words or less - dad, lawyer, entrepreneur, optimist, nice guy, free thinker, risk taker, smart, intelligent, caring, understanding, persistent.  And the best way to sum up @jonoboswell is with a tweet of his own -

"Twitter is always full of hidden gems"

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Random following #229 - @georgie_pienz

Small town New Zealand are where some of the best people live.  It really is.  And its in those small towns that some of the true characters of social media come from.  The little, and not so little, quirky places that many big city people have no idea that they exist.  But exist they do.  And those small towns generate both serious wealth and serious social media too!

@georgie_pienz is exactly one of those people.  I initially thought that she had been on twitter for AGES but it turns out that in fact she hasn't.  I think its her association with the iconic name of New Zealand fast food that catches my eye when I see her tweets go by in my timeline.  Her twitter account appears to be LARGER than LIFE!

Its fair to say you're not going to be drowned in tweets if you follow this account but you will be regaled with much hilarity and comedy throughout your day.  As far as shared images this account has some really eclectic themes going on.  And the same can be said for her tweets too.  Where do we begin?  Well how about local body politics -

"Tempted to skip the gym and listen to the Hamilton mayor candidates #WaikatoVotes but I'm not registered for Hamilton lol"

And she is a person who enjoys looking after herself physically -

"My body thinks 5am is an acceptable time to wake up on a Sat! Think I need to lock my body and brain away to sort out their differences"

And there is her passion to perform.  On the stage in a theatre and in a band as well.  It takes some kind of dedication and commitment to get up in front of a crowd and perform.  Be it as part of a theatre, stage production or at the local.  Each of these takes lots of passion, love, energy, sweat and tears.

"Oh man feet are hurting! And I have to do this again tomorrow? #why #performing"

@georgie_pienz is a loyal Hamiltonian and merrily tweets away promoting the #lovethetron as she goes.  Highly engaging, lots of fun and passionate would be three easy ways to describe her tweeting style. So would the description of NUMBER ONE #LOVETHETRON advocate.

One last request - PLEASE follow her!  Cos she follows HEAPS but not many have returned the favor yet.  Come on New Zealand lets balance the scales and do right by her.  What do you say?  Whats it going to be Morrinsville - the tweeter or the bag?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Random follow #228 - @MattNippert

Business, finance and the art of making of money.  All noble goals and ways to have a career.  Some people do it well.  Some people don't.  Other people make a living out of being able to observe and keep track of what is happening in the realms of big business.  People like @MattNippert.  He has the role of being a journalist whose job it is to keep up to date with both the high rollers as well as the small mum and dad operators who work hard to make a living.

Matt plies his writing skills and trade with  Thats no little fish.  Having the opportunity to publish stories on such a major platform for current events and news in New Zealand is pretty special.  When it comes to twitter Matt writes his own tweets.  And they're his tweets.  Not RTs of his employer etc.  And to be fair - he tweets some pretty cool stuff!

Here take a look - 

"Fist-pumptastic: That moment when a source emails through an mp3 of hard-news comedy gold. #winning"

"New Kids on the Trot(sky) #LabourBoyBands" and,

"Downloaded free dinosaur app for 2-year-old to play with. Every three mins program exited to load Tui beer ads. Wtf? That's poor targeting."

Matt is also a man of many other talents too.  Most importantly he is a dad.  You can hear him on National Radio every now and then sharing his opinions and thoughts of current events.

There really is a lot to like about @MattNippert.  His ability to keep it real.  If tweets were able to be valued (like on the currency market) then Matts tweets would be a very solid investment with good returns.  His value doesn't wildly swing from one extreme to another but he manages to keep his value up through interaction with other heavy hitters in the journalism trade.

This well priced and high value tweeter is definitely worth following (and trading if that were a possibility).

It wouldn't be a blog about business if there weren't some sort of mention of business or a transaction of some sort occurring.  So I leave you today with this little snippet from The Godfather: Part 2.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Random follow #227 - @Implementnz

Back in the day (like years and years ago) social media was all about creating a brand.  That is having an online personality that you could use to sell yourself and your services to others who may be interested in them.  While it was a good idea and probably worked really well in other countries - I am not sure that idea struck a chord with New Zealand.  Some people did it well, some did not.  Todays tweeter - @Implementnz is one of the people who both figured  it out but also continues to do it even better today.

Shona is based out of the beautiful region of Taranaki.  A district of contrast with the mountain and the
ocean.  Dairy farming and the harvesting of natural gas go side by side.  And the Taranaki region adds much value to the New Zealand economy.  And its within that economy that Shona is able to work as a consultant and coach.

And like the region she comes from Shona is also a person of contrasts.  Her twitter account is that perfect mix of both the personal and interactive mixed in with the inspirational and the encouraging aspects of business.

So here's a wee look at how her timeline goes -

"Conversation, conversation, conversation, business, photo, conversation, conversation....  repeat."

Seriously thats what the @Implementnz timeline looks like.  A mixture of genuine conversation mixed in with some business, add a sprinkle of good humour to taste and thats the recipe right there.  What her tweets really look like is a bit more like this - 

"Going to be a wardrobe challenge tomorrow. Forecast low in NP is 4 degrees and high 14."

"Weekend project- fixing an old table I bought yesterday. Have sanded, stained top to even out colour, applied first coat of varnish #pleased"  <-- the personal

"Plans for a seminar in New Plymouth on Personal confidence in your career and business " <-- and the business.

Shona is a really interactive, highly engaging and also enlightening tweeter.  She is a very active user of social media and is only ever a tweet away of you're looking for a reply. Thats one of the great characteristics of regional people.  They can easily switch between the corporate world into their gumboots without hardly having to think about it.  Its just easy.

And easy is the best way to describe @Implementnz.  You can follow at any time and pick up on the essential aspects of her character - well grounded and down to earth, comfortable talking to pretty much anyone, plenty of encouraging and happy things to say and there's always another project on the go to keep her busy.

If you're like me and prefer a multi-dimensional, feet on the ground, all round pleasant tweeter and you've been looking for one for a while to follow, then go no further than @Implementnz.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Random follow #226 - @ItsKieranTime

"To be young, gifted and .....  Wellingtonian?" I am not sure thats quite what Nina Simone had in mind when she sang that song but those descriptive words are apt for for @ItsKieranTime.  Coming at you out of the Nations capital Kieran is a social media buff who tweets and shares his adventures through life with ease.

He's the sort of guy who you meet at a pub and you know he's an all right kind of guy.  Cool enough to kick with the hip crowd yet grounded enough to be able to hold a conversation with those of us at the older end of the scale too.

If you're wanting to know how cool he is then here is the evidence -

"What is my life? I'm sitting in a hip cocktail bar - mixology, in Hollywood."

Here's the evidence he can kick it with the older tweeter -

"The poverty here is unreal, for such a developed country."

And then when he tweets this you KNOW he is from the coolest little capital in the world  -

"Waking up to see another #eqnz rattled Wellington last night. Is FOMO a thing when it comes to earthquakes? Because I think I have it."

Being younger he brings a different angle to social media.  A different feel and view on whats happening in the world.  He is a source of interesting topics and thoughts and isn't afraid to let you know what he's really up to every now and then.  Such as -

"So what if I'm watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians in bed on a Saturday night."

So why follow @ItsKieranTime - he tweets original content, he is currently travelling across North America and tweeting about it, he is a really nice guy with a fantastic taste in style and he's an all round really great guy. Having the ability to keep a 'clean' timeline. That is tweets that are either funny, interesting or giving information that you may not have known before.

Final word - if I weren't already following @ItsKieranTime I would now.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Random tweeter #225 - @thecatsgoolies

How's this for a recipe for coming up with a twitter name -

  1. Take a really popular animal most people know
  2. Then take a completely random part of that animals anatomy
  3. Join the two together
Okay so it doesn't always work.  But todays tweeter has taken a popular saying and with a bit of creativity totally made it her own.  @thecatsgoolies is an absolutely brilliant lady from Auckland who totally rocks it out on twitter.  I am a fairly new follower but I can say she is one of the loveliest people I have tweeted.

Mary is someone who likes to see the lighter side of life.  She isn't afraid to stir the pot and wind a few people up when they need it.  In a comedic way of course.  Her sense of humour is perfectly suited to social media because her view of the world is so honest.  Here are a couple of recent examples - 

"Just tried norwegian goat cheese for the first time since I was a kid (baa) and its not half bad #sorryforthebaapun"

"As I near my 10k tweet do I tweet something monumental or my usual verbal crap?"

I had a conversation with someone recently about people disappearing from twitter and no one noticing.  Yo be honest its true.  Lots of people could just stop tweeting and no one would notice.  That is definitely not the case in regards to @thecatsgoolies.  I am totally sure she would be missed.  As she is one of the people who genuinely shows concern for others and makes a point of letting others know that they aren't forgotten and that they are in fact being thought of all the time.

So what is that something about Mary that makes her so special?  Well here are a few more tweets to consider - 

"The dog is snoring again. Hang on will turn the telly up."

"I'm such a good dog owner. Going out and leaving animal planet on for the dog :)"

"I love my dog when he hears the kids move....he sort of snorts and laughs as he runs to them. Tail just about taking off."

If you are looking for an open, genuine, well balanced yet funny tweeter than say hello to @thecatsgoolies.  mary isn't perfect and then again neither are any of us.  But what she does do is bring honesty, empathy and loving respect for those in her circles.  If you're looking for a true friend - you just found her.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Random follow #224 - @SiDawson

How do you find tweeters to follow on twitter?  Some tweeters are people you meet in real life and then follow.  Some are people you follow and then get the opportunity to meet later.  And then there are the good folk of twitter who provide recommendations.  Todays tweeter - @SiDawson is one of those people.  A total recommendation.

Word has it that Si is "a twitter pro and generally friendly" --> both pointers towards a great tweeter.

Si has a fantastic depth of knowledge when it comes to the internet and he is more than happy to share his
knowledge with anyone who has the courage to ask.  An example of his free help tweets is worth a read by anyone who is interested in who has access to their data.  Here is one of his tweets that will totally blow your mind if you click the link -->

"a) change your password, b) go to and revoke access to anything dodgy."

Si is one serious techno knower of knowledge.  He is also a deep thinker who considers his opinions and answers to others before he fires off into the twittersphere.  Time is no barrier to his twitter habits as he can only be found tweeting late into the night.

Originally hailing from the metropolis that is Palmerston North you most likely find him located in the UK at the moment.  Its the nice guy who lives inside him that wishes the world was kinder better than it is.  That is the hallmark of someone who embodies compassion and a caring nature.  And that care extends to the online world as well when he shares tweets like these -

"Btw? Facebook is bad for you. Get a life: "


"Miserable weather. Watched a woman give a homeless guy an excellent umbrella. Ah humans, you’re alright."

You can also go a bit wider then what he posts on twitter. He also has his own website where he shares his posts and views that need more than 140 characters to write. If you think his tweets are interesting try having a look at his site -  His blog on preparing a Hangi for English readers is interesting too.

So what we've got here is someone who can communicate.  Si brings a clear and consistent style to twitter and social media that is appealing is its fairness and balance.  And with that he also brings a wider world view which is well grounded and always current.  Go follow.  It'll be good for you.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Random follow #223 - @kathadu

Some of the absolute best twitter people are the one's who stay under the radar.  They tweet in a personal and genuine way and don't necessarily make a lot of ripples on the water.  What they do tweet are real genuine glimpses into their lives that the rest of can easily associate with and appreciate.

It is that sense and feeling of easiness that makes @kathadu a really great twitter follow.  I find that she likes to keep things simple.  Why clutter up a 140 character tweet with things that aren't needed?  Why use words where actions are louder?  This is demonstrated right from the outset by her twitter bio which currently reads as -

"Truth, science, beauty, compassion, #kindnessismagic"

Word on the street has it that she is a very beautiful woman in real life.  Her personality is very bubbly, energetic and appealing to everyone.  And she is also the sort of person who can make new friends no matter where she happens to be - whatever circumstance or social gathering she finds herself at.

And it goes without saying (of course) that she has a great sense of humour.  Being funny is not always about stating the obvious.  Really good humour is when you can draw parallels from completely different situations and blend them together.  Such as - 

"Mr 4 is inquiring about he status of his "egg order", albeit in a more polite way than Jake the Muss"

And there was this tweet which had my sides hurting from all the laughter - 

"Playing "talent show". Mr 4 is singing. Mr 7 just leant in and whispered "He's got the voice for it"

I am also aware that she is an amazing mum.  And that sense of humour that we saw exhibited back up there also comes through in anecdotes or snapshots of her life as well - 

"So now I have to find a new after-school nanny (or a wife). Suggestions welcome. Re the nanny"

Sometimes you have to go searching for the real gems of the internet.  The one's that are tucked away somewhere and never really make the twitter headlines.  Those are the tweeters who with a bit of encouragement and a few more followers really start to come into their own.

There are some tweeters in Auckland who have had the absolute privilege of meeting @kathadu.  And a lot of the content of this blog post was supplied by @pammygirl who has nothing but brilliant things to say about todays person.

An easy tweeter is how I would best describe @kathadu.  (Not easy in a derogatory way).  Easy in a way that she handles every situation with grace and ease.  There isn't too much that gets her off kilter or out of alignment.  So if the appeal of following someone who can keep an even keel through all the various storms of social media appeals to you - then I say - you've come to the right place.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Random follow #222 - @winstonmoreton

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” 

The idea of owning a secondhand bookstore is a dream I have had for many years.  There is so much knowledge, wisdom, escapism and fantasy captured in a book that the real world can sometimes pale in comparison to that which occurs in our imagination.

@winstonmoreton is a man with a passion for books.  Some people write them while others consume them.  Winston is the latter.  And proud of it to boot.  Living in New Zealand's sunniest province (Gisborne) I have no doubt there has been many a good hour spent outside, in a deck chair, with a good book and no doubt some liquid refreshment to accompany proceedings.

And being a reader of books he has a wide perspective of current affairs and the world of politics as well as human welfare around the world.  He has a sharp edge when it comes to telling the politicians or leaders of the world that they're getting it wrong and I don't mind that at all.

"Can we please hear from the person who put that dirty shell in the basement.? Someone must know who it was. #Syria"

But with all the consumption of words - where do they go?  Well they find themselves an output via -->

"#shortstory competition @SundayStarTimes . 16 days to go. Looking for First Sentence Ideas Help Desk."

And when you live in the first place in the world to see the sun every day you tend to be a bit sharper than most -->  "Hey world its 8 August already in #gisborne"

@winstonmoreton is one tweeter who isn't afraid to share his mind with the world or with twitter.  If you are looking for a tweeter who can see both sides of the argument and yet stands his ground when he knows he's right then Winston is your man.  Give him a follow - you might just be pleasantly surprised to see who pops up in your timeline.

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”