- Take a really popular animal most people know
- Then take a completely random part of that animals anatomy
- Join the two together
Okay so it doesn't always work. But todays tweeter has taken a popular saying and with a bit of creativity totally made it her own. @thecatsgoolies is an absolutely brilliant lady from Auckland who totally rocks it out on twitter. I am a fairly new follower but I can say she is one of the loveliest people I have tweeted.
"Just tried norwegian goat cheese for the first time since I was a kid (baa) and its not half bad #sorryforthebaapun"
"As I near my 10k tweet do I tweet something monumental or my usual verbal crap?"
I had a conversation with someone recently about people disappearing from twitter and no one noticing. Yo be honest its true. Lots of people could just stop tweeting and no one would notice. That is definitely not the case in regards to @thecatsgoolies. I am totally sure she would be missed. As she is one of the people who genuinely shows concern for others and makes a point of letting others know that they aren't forgotten and that they are in fact being thought of all the time.
So what is that something about Mary that makes her so special? Well here are a few more tweets to consider -
"The dog is snoring again. Hang on will turn the telly up."
"I'm such a good dog owner. Going out and leaving animal planet on for the dog :)"
"I love my dog when he hears the kids move....he sort of snorts and laughs as he runs to them. Tail just about taking off."
If you are looking for an open, genuine, well balanced yet funny tweeter than say hello to @thecatsgoolies. mary isn't perfect and then again neither are any of us. But what she does do is bring honesty, empathy and loving respect for those in her circles. If you're looking for a true friend - you just found her.
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