Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Random follow #242 - @CaptainRaison

Kimberley, Kimberley, Kimberley.  Whatever are we to make of you?  In my opinion thats a completely fair question.  @CaptainRaison is (astoundingly) one of my favorite tweeters at the moment.  She has a complex mind and sense of humour that takes a bit of getting used to but once you begin to understand how she thinks then a whole new world of hilarity is opened up to you.

When she says that "I'm not your typical 20 year old" she isn't far wrong.  And I mean that with full respect.  There aren't many 20 year olds who have such interesting imaginations or the ability to express themselves in 140 characters or less with such punch or clarity of mind.

She is a lady of many tastes.  Lets have a look and see what some of them are - 

"People may hate on the Zelda series but everybody has to admit, the soundtrack to the games are freaking fantastic"  <-- gaming.

"Guys I'm actually 70 years old. The secret to my youthfull look is video games and freaking out about everything." <-- she has discovered the elixir of youth!

"Male hippos show their affection for the females by flinging dung at them." <-- the next Attenborough? 

"I got this new chocolate and mint body wash, holy moly, it smells SO GOOD. I'm gonna smell like a chocolate biscuit :D" <-- woman stuff.

"Maybe I should be a comedian. But I don't know how'd that work, I'd probably just stand on a stage and make cat noises." <-- potential career options.

I love @CaptainRaison's ability to tweet completely random things and completely change up my timeline when it needs a damn good oil change.

This young lady is a film student based in the deep south of the South Island and that too gives her some really great content to tweet about.  The student life, flatmates and the cold.  Most people would find those subjects pretty blah - but not @CaptainRaison.  Oh no - she manages to apply her lens of creativity to them and gives them a twist in her tweets.  She's definitely not your run of the mill tweeter. 

This post is going to be a lot like @CaptainRaison's tweets.  Short and to the point.  She doesn't waste the characters she is given for a tweet but she does manage to use a lot of tweets.  In a good way of course.  And if you're really keen to see a bit more of Kimberley head over to her Youtube channel -  It sums her up very nicely.  

So as you can see you can never be too sure about what Kimberley is going to tweet next.  You really don't know quite what is coming down the twitter stream next.  This could quite possibly be the most random twitter account in existence today.  And it is for that very reason that I follow her. 

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