Business, finance and the art of making of money. All noble goals and ways to have a career. Some people do it well. Some people don't. Other people make a living out of being able to observe and keep track of what is happening in the realms of big business. People like @MattNippert. He has the role of being a journalist whose job it is to keep up to date with both the high rollers as well as the small mum and dad operators who work hard to make a living.
Matt plies his writing skills and trade with Thats no little fish. Having the opportunity to publish stories on such a major platform for current events and news in New Zealand is pretty special. When it comes to twitter Matt writes his own tweets. And they're his tweets. Not RTs of his employer etc. And to be fair - he tweets some pretty cool stuff!
Here take a look -
"New Kids on the Trot(sky) #LabourBoyBands" and,
"Downloaded free dinosaur app for 2-year-old to play with. Every three mins program exited to load Tui beer ads. Wtf? That's poor targeting."
Matt is also a man of many other talents too. Most importantly he is a dad. You can hear him on National Radio every now and then sharing his opinions and thoughts of current events.
There really is a lot to like about @MattNippert. His ability to keep it real. If tweets were able to be valued (like on the currency market) then Matts tweets would be a very solid investment with good returns. His value doesn't wildly swing from one extreme to another but he manages to keep his value up through interaction with other heavy hitters in the journalism trade.
This well priced and high value tweeter is definitely worth following (and trading if that were a possibility).
It wouldn't be a blog about business if there weren't some sort of mention of business or a transaction of some sort occurring. So I leave you today with this little snippet from The Godfather: Part 2.
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