@elladeruiter is one of those special people who have the x factor or that sprinkle of fairy dust that makes twitter shine. To get a little understanding of who she is you need to a full length scan of her twitter page. Much like an attractive person you spot in the street Ella will make you stop and do a double take as you think - 'wow, she's really something!'.
There is so much about her that is beautiful and to like. From her full name 'Emanuella' to her profile photo all the way day down her timeline. There is so much to like and be attracted to. And yes - I have done a few double takes...
Apart from the fact that she is an attractive young lady she is also a very intelligent young person who contrary to this tweet -
she is in fact a very smart cookie. She is also a lady of fine taste -
"I could really do with some chocolate right about now".
She cares about and for animals. Ella is a self proclaimed wanna-be crazy cat lady however she also has at least one of our finer friends in her care -
"Dog is being creepy. He is standing in the middle of the room just staring at me. :|"
What do I like about her? Her intelligence. Her interactions with @Edaemus. And her sense of humor. Its not like Ella purposely sets out to be funny - like slapstick comedy (I think) but her tweets are rather comedic and funny. Such as -
"I have to be the best procrastinator ever".
And its not easy being a student. There are lots of time and work commitments which many of us forget what its like and the amount of pressure that goes with it -
I highly recommend you take a wander over to her tumblr page where she showcases some of her superb photography. There are some very spectacular photos on show. So here's my take on @elladeruiter in 10 words or less - young, student, attractive, smart, funny, endearing. engaging, intelligent, random, passionate.
Social media is all about what you bring to the game. Ella brings a sharp. smart and sassy approach to life that will have you smiling as you follow along with her journey from student to success. I am following her on twitter. Are you going to?
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