@georgie_pienz is exactly one of those people. I initially thought that she had been on twitter for AGES but it turns out that in fact she hasn't. I think its her association with the iconic name of New Zealand fast food that catches my eye when I see her tweets go by in my timeline. Her twitter account appears to be LARGER than LIFE!
Its fair to say you're not going to be drowned in tweets if you follow this account but you will be regaled with much hilarity and comedy throughout your day. As far as shared images this account has some really eclectic themes going on. And the same can be said for her tweets too. Where do we begin? Well how about local body politics -
"Tempted to skip the gym and listen to the Hamilton mayor candidates #WaikatoVotes but I'm not registered for Hamilton lol"
And she is a person who enjoys looking after herself physically -
"My body thinks 5am is an acceptable time to wake up on a Sat! Think I need to lock my body and brain away to sort out their differences"
And there is her passion to perform. On the stage in a theatre and in a band as well. It takes some kind of dedication and commitment to get up in front of a crowd and perform. Be it as part of a theatre, stage production or at the local. Each of these takes lots of passion, love, energy, sweat and tears.
"Oh man feet are hurting! And I have to do this again tomorrow? #why #performing"
@georgie_pienz is a loyal Hamiltonian and merrily tweets away promoting the #lovethetron as she goes. Highly engaging, lots of fun and passionate would be three easy ways to describe her tweeting style. So would the description of NUMBER ONE #LOVETHETRON advocate.
One last request - PLEASE follow her! Cos she follows HEAPS but not many have returned the favor yet. Come on New Zealand lets balance the scales and do right by her. What do you say? Whats it going to be Morrinsville - the tweeter or the bag?
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