Monday, February 25, 2013

Random follow #50 - @RoryWhite_84

"It's the little things that really matter" are the words of the chorus of a song by Trinity Roots.  Social media is about relationships and interacting.  Its also about the little things.  Its about saying hello to someone who tweets you.  Its about cracking jokes and having a laugh at the silly side of life.

@RoryWhite_84 is a person who gets the little things right.  He has both an eye for detail as well as a keen sense of humor that set him up as a really nice guy.  This tweet here is a great example of that -

"Murray doesn't limp anymore . Surgery heals quick on short land street."

Seriously.  How many people in New Zealand watched that episode on television and completely missed the fact that a miracle had taken place.  Not our Rory.  No way - he spotted it and called it.

He is also a little bit romantic.  "Nothing beats a good kiss on the forehead ..." 

What strikes me as being really significant about  @RoryWhite_84 is that I think if you went out on the town with him - you'd end up having a bloody good time.  He is fun effervescent, full of life and bursting at the seams with   Example tweet - "Heeeeelllllllooooooooo world".

One of the interesting things about this project so far has been discovering people who would normally we be outside my usual circle of friends or people whom I interact with. For example in my average life with above average friends I have yet to hear of them say something quite so sassy as this - 

"Dear baby Jesus . Please let me go to sleep before 12.45.., if you do I promise tomorrow to not be a moody bitch . Thanks heaps xox"

I love that tweet.  I really do.  It oozes honesty, sassyness, a touch of sarcasm and kisses you with a whole lot of funny. 

Definitely a prolific tweeter who keeps close contact with those whom are special and hold value for him.  And my final observation of @RoryWhite_84 is that once your a friend you're probably a friend for life. 
Just like how all good friendships should be.

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