Friday, December 27, 2013

Random follow #298 - @powderkeig

Bright, bouncy and bubbly.  Three words that describe todays random kiwi tweeter - @powderkeig.  Jane is quite simply one fantastic tweeter.  She shares so many fun and healthy experiences that one can not help but be enamoured by her personality and relatively carefree approach to life.

Whats not to like about a tweeter who has a shared blog/tumblr with her brother?  Especially when that site is titled "Bottled Sunshine".  Phil (Jane's brother) occasionally gets a mention in the odd tweet or two but at the moment he is the companion riding along in what could be the most epic road trip of the summer around historical sites of interest in the South Island.

I love coming across tweets like these -

"Happily lost in Northern Cemetery"

Because you can imagine yourself being right there.  Walking alongside @powderkeig examining the headstones and uncovering the mysteries of yesterday.  And she also has a great wide view of the world - 

"#sydneytohobart always fills me with dreadful anticipation
Love the sailing Freak out about the weather"

And that great wide view of the world is not restricted to just geography either.  Jane also has a diverse set of interests, some of which are evidenced in this next tweet - 

"My brother, SIL and I talk in weird family language. 
Namely movie quotes and obscure or made-up ditties #freaks"

@powderkeig exemplifies the people that this blog was set up to showcase.  Really interesting people, with really interesting lives doing interesting stuff.  All over the country.  Jane is just one of those people.  Her sense of adventure and purpose in life mixed up with the kiwi can do attitude bring the New Zealands way of doing things with social media.

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