- 1.not previously known or used; new or different.
- 2.(of food) recently made or obtained; not tinned, frozen, or otherwise preserved.
- 1.newly; recently.
Here's what I mean by fresh -
"I am filled with a dazzled energy that borders on excessive Zeal!! If you want some let me know..." ;) xo"
You can feel her zest for life oozing through her tweets. There is an enthusiasm for life that is infectious and catchy. But it doesn't finish there -
I love tweets like these because they are so innocent and without any sort of bent. @Roleta06 just says it how it is with a smile on her face and an intention to make you laugh. And she is even in this years round of @nzsecretsanta too -
"I'm at work, dipping my superwine biscuit into my cup of tea...thinking "who has my name?"...all in the name of fairness..."
I think that Secret Santa was actually her reason for joining twitter in the first place so it's wins all round for everyone really.
So if you're looking for someone - new, fresh, young, enthusiastic, encouraging and all round fun then you've found her in @Roleta06. Peace.
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