"signature range ginger beer helpfully lists "ginger beer" as one of its ingredients"
"when people say they're anti-PC, they mean they're against
socialised healthcare in form of pokemon centres"
@tobiasbrockie is yet another tweeter who comes at you in two ways -
- Straight out of Wellington
- He's on the younger end of the twitter age scale
Youth is where its at if you're looking for light hearted, fresh, a different perspective and someone who isn't swayed so easily by most twitter trends. Tobias is intentionally witty and could very well be the modern day social media equivalent of Spike Milligan. (That is praise not given lightly).
What's not to like about tweets like these -
"real life beats the shit out of love actually bc in real life
there's a donut king at the airport, love actually just has sad emma thompson"
This twitter account is one continuous series of absolutely brilliant one liners with a few conversations thrown in along the way to prove Tobias is both human and exceptionally funny. In my opinion this guy really could be a stand up comedian or the replacement for either of the Flight Of The Concords guys if they ever choose to retire.
I won't say too much more because all his tweets speak for themselves. You'll either fall in love with them straight away or you'll take a couple of days and then fall in love with them. Either way this is one twitter account worth following for its hilarity alone. Everything else is the jam on the donut.
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