My new most fave twitter person is a person based out - you guessed it - New Zealand. @Finnyx5 is a breath of fresh air in the social media space. Smart, sassy and able to throw a good verbal barrage from time to time makes her a really enjoyable follow on twitter.
Being relatively new to the twitter game Dawn has picked up on how do it right really quickly. Photo's of cats, lots of good interaction with other people and plenty of hilarity to boot. All the rights ingredients to add to the primordial soup that is twitter.
@Finnyx5 jumps in and out of twitter with ease and can light up a conversation in the blink of an eye. What else is cool about her timeline? Well tweets like these -
"OK managed 2 get my own Mr Darcy slot o day.Workin in Sumner & just driven past (slowly 4 safety) surfer dudes who've come out o water :-)"
"Re being Elizabeth Bennet: told my hubby n he's interested 4 2nite :-D But men o ChCh still keen you stand smouldering etc #eyecandy4Fri"
"Getting ready 2 go out 4 Devonshire T wi workm8s.Its a glor-i-ous sunny day, theyre a gr8 bunch o women n there will b lots o sweet food :-D"
To be fair I can't even remember when @Finnyx5 first popped into my timeline but it doesn't matter. Cos this lady has made quite a difference to my timeline and has managed to change it up. If you hadn't seen it yet - we have a fancy word challenge going on. That is find a random word and then the challenge is to use it in an everyday conversation. Its actually quite a lot of fun to try and do.
Dawn is a lover of life, a lover of her husband and a very smart twitterer who won't settle for anything but the best in her timeline. If you settle for nothing less than the best in your timeline too, then this is one lady who won't disappoint. Cheers to that.
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