There is power in standing together as a collective. Be it for a peaceful protest or to join together and support one another being with others of a like mind is the best way to make progress. @Holla_Graphix are just that kind of collective.
@Holla_Graphix combine three of my most favorite things together in one place - art, creativity and collective. Coming at you out of New Zealands capital of Wellington this collective is all about bringing together women who have a passion for creating the new.
At the moment this twitter account is a little on the light side when it comes to followers however quality always trumps quality. But still its always good having a few more followers who engage with you and take the collective online as well as off.
The tweets you see are as eclectic as the art pieces that the @Holla_Graphix make and share. A mixture of Facebook updates, Instagram pics and a few straight up tweets round out the mix nicely. Here are a few tweets to wet your social media taste buds a little -
"MEANWHILE IN TAUPO.. The incredible xoehall making us super proud with this insane mural as part of… " and
"Part of a rad mural painted by xoehall for Electric Avenue in Wellington. Check out the vid of this… "
While this twitter account really is still in its infancy there is nothing babyish about the talent and mad skills these ladies bring to pop culture including body art, ink work and graffiti. I am totally jealous of their skills and look forward to seeing more of their published work as the days go by.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Random follow #259 - @kirstenvibeke
Veebs is one brilliant young lady who has so many different skills that it would be impossible to really tell you about her in just one post. Kirsten who goes by the twitter name @kirstenvibeke is as authentic as they come as far as twitter goes.
She has a no nonsense approach and she shoots straight from the hip. This lovely lady and her husband live in one of the most beautiful locations in the entire world - Waiheke Island. And that island lifestyle punctuates her tweets. They are fairly laid back and often provide that little slice of life that captures the moment with eloquence and simplicity.
Being a mum, a wife, a creative force and an island dweller sounds like a pretty fantastic combination to me. And yes - I am a little jealous. And its that mix that makes Kirsten so much more endearing as a tweeter. She tweets when she wants to not because she has to. And some of the tweets she puts out there really are very, very good. Case in point -
"Managed to take the rubbish out on time and vote in local body elections. Squeezed in some work too. Winning at Wednesday!"
"Went for high viz fluo orange nail gels this morning in a moment of optimism. Wondering how long I can cope #FirstWorldProblemifeverisaw1"
"It's spring in Southern Hemisphere. We need Easter-style party NOT prepare for the dark and face your fears festival. Go away Halloween"
@kirstenvibeke is like an old friend. They come around every so often and remind you that they are still there. Just in their own quiet way. And when you see them again its like you never left or were apart. The warmth of a story and experience shared takes you back to another time of happiness and joy.
I give her my full recommendation as a tweeter totally worth a follow. Just one thing though - if you're like me and live somewhere far away from the beach - you will be TOTEZ JEALOUS - just like I am when I see her Palm Beach update photos.......
She has a no nonsense approach and she shoots straight from the hip. This lovely lady and her husband live in one of the most beautiful locations in the entire world - Waiheke Island. And that island lifestyle punctuates her tweets. They are fairly laid back and often provide that little slice of life that captures the moment with eloquence and simplicity.
Being a mum, a wife, a creative force and an island dweller sounds like a pretty fantastic combination to me. And yes - I am a little jealous. And its that mix that makes Kirsten so much more endearing as a tweeter. She tweets when she wants to not because she has to. And some of the tweets she puts out there really are very, very good. Case in point -
"Managed to take the rubbish out on time and vote in local body elections. Squeezed in some work too. Winning at Wednesday!"
"Went for high viz fluo orange nail gels this morning in a moment of optimism. Wondering how long I can cope #FirstWorldProblemifeverisaw1"
"It's spring in Southern Hemisphere. We need Easter-style party NOT prepare for the dark and face your fears festival. Go away Halloween"
@kirstenvibeke is like an old friend. They come around every so often and remind you that they are still there. Just in their own quiet way. And when you see them again its like you never left or were apart. The warmth of a story and experience shared takes you back to another time of happiness and joy.
I give her my full recommendation as a tweeter totally worth a follow. Just one thing though - if you're like me and live somewhere far away from the beach - you will be TOTEZ JEALOUS - just like I am when I see her Palm Beach update photos.......
Monday, October 14, 2013
Transmission suspended..... (for 2 weeks)
Hi all. Just a quick note to let you know the #RKT blog is going to go silent for a couple of weeks. @hagmannz is headed offshore to Canada for a long overdue holiday - so the blog will be taking a break. The goal still is to profile 300 of the best kiwi tweeters who may never otherwise hear about before December 31st so don't worry! I WILL BE BACK!
Thank you everyone for your support so far this year. Its been a pretty wild ride. Seriously - thank you! Thank you for taking the time to read the posts and follow the people on here. YOU are the reason this blog exists and YOU are the reason for its success. THANK YOU!
Sit tight, read back over who has been profiled so far and watch this space. Normal transmission will resume 1st November.
Thank you everyone for your support so far this year. Its been a pretty wild ride. Seriously - thank you! Thank you for taking the time to read the posts and follow the people on here. YOU are the reason this blog exists and YOU are the reason for its success. THANK YOU!
Sit tight, read back over who has been profiled so far and watch this space. Normal transmission will resume 1st November.
"Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini
My success should not be bestowed onto me alone,
as it was not individual success but success of a collective"
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Random follow #258 - @shacklemore
Whats in a name? Really? In the name Shackleford Hurtmore there is more than one story going on. In fact there are a few. I don't what they are but they're there. @shacklemore proudly announces two interesting facts about himself - 1. he's a Brit and 2. he lives in Auckland.

But its not what a person says about themselves in their bio thats important. The bio is like a random introduction at a party when someone says - "Hey! Have you met ........? He/she is into ......" and then they walk away. There isn't a lot of depth there but you have a starting point from which to begin a conversation.
This is one account where there is absolutely no doubt about where a person stands on the issues/ Is a spade a shovel? No! Its a spade! Thats a lot of how these tweets read. Not negatively but direct. Definitely direct. Of that there is no doubt. But don't be put off cos he a definite sense of humour that lightens the load. Here take a look at what I mean -
"Instead of the "sale" shenanigans every weekend, why don't Briscoes just admit they double all their prices on weekdays?" <-- genuine humour. None of that beat around the bush stuff.
"If you ever retweet ken ring you are dead to me." <-- this is a NO BS zone!
But its not what a person says about themselves in their bio thats important. The bio is like a random introduction at a party when someone says - "Hey! Have you met ........? He/she is into ......" and then they walk away. There isn't a lot of depth there but you have a starting point from which to begin a conversation.
This is one account where there is absolutely no doubt about where a person stands on the issues/ Is a spade a shovel? No! Its a spade! Thats a lot of how these tweets read. Not negatively but direct. Definitely direct. Of that there is no doubt. But don't be put off cos he a definite sense of humour that lightens the load. Here take a look at what I mean -
"Instead of the "sale" shenanigans every weekend, why don't Briscoes just admit they double all their prices on weekdays?" <-- genuine humour. None of that beat around the bush stuff.
"If you ever retweet ken ring you are dead to me." <-- this is a NO BS zone!
"How come there was never an episode of Star Trek:TNG where they just parked in an obscure orbit and chucked a sickie to play GTA2360?" <-- he definitely has some super style too.
"John Key at the UN: "I've been internationalising a really complicated situation in my head"" <-- he is able to provide a funny spin on politics too.
He RT's some really good stuff too. All the stars are in his RT list - Cate Owen, Guy Williams and Bill Bennett. In just a few words I describe the good gentleman as follows - funny, serious, straight up, brilliant, engaging, knowledgeable, not afraid to speak his mind.
What I like about @shacklemore is the mix of the serious with the hilarious. Too much of one or the other can make a tweeter either too serious or not believeable. Put the two together and you have a really great view of the world.
"To follow or not to follow? That is the question."
straight up,
united kingdom
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Random follow #257 - @katjnz
Fun loving, smart and full of great advice. That is @katjnz in a nutshell. This young lady hails from the great Metropolis of Auckland and happily shares little bits and pieces of what's going on in her world. From everyday musings and opinions through to funny interactions with people - this is @katjnz.
Kat is one of those person who (metaphorically) can wander into a cafe or bar and hold a conversation with pretty much anyone about almost anything. Thats her twitter personality too. She is happy and willing to engage with people on sorts of topics. I can imagine that in real life she is a very interesting person.
It takes a special sort of someone to see the potential in someone else's ideas too. To get behind someone and give them the funding they need to get their project started and happening takes sacrifice, a gamble and also a spirit of generosity. Kat is exactly one of those people. She looks for the good and the potential in others and then shares what she has to make it happen.
Like every tweeter that is worth following Kat does some things really well -
"Newmarket peeps: if you have a craving for dumplings, Yummy Palace on Crowhurst St is HIGHLY recommended." <-- if you find something good then SHARE IT!
"*refresh* *refresh* *refresh* oooh... no... *refresh* refresh* *refresh* *refresh* *refresh* oooh! no... *refresh* #buyingGlastonburytickets" <-- she is also going to Laneway! *swoon*
"Current topic of discussion in our living room: the mating habits of muppets." <-- flatmates for the BEST twitter material.
@katjnz is a really neat tweeter who manages not to take herself or social media too seriously. She can have a laugh, hold a conversation, maintain her own individual sense of self and personality while kicking it with the cool kids all at the same time. If you would like to learn some more about kat she shares some of her current projects at her fabulous website -
I quite like her. A lot. As a tweeter she's really cool. Two thumbs up from me!
Kat is one of those person who (metaphorically) can wander into a cafe or bar and hold a conversation with pretty much anyone about almost anything. Thats her twitter personality too. She is happy and willing to engage with people on sorts of topics. I can imagine that in real life she is a very interesting person.
It takes a special sort of someone to see the potential in someone else's ideas too. To get behind someone and give them the funding they need to get their project started and happening takes sacrifice, a gamble and also a spirit of generosity. Kat is exactly one of those people. She looks for the good and the potential in others and then shares what she has to make it happen.
Like every tweeter that is worth following Kat does some things really well -
"Newmarket peeps: if you have a craving for dumplings, Yummy Palace on Crowhurst St is HIGHLY recommended." <-- if you find something good then SHARE IT!
"*refresh* *refresh* *refresh* oooh... no... *refresh* refresh* *refresh* *refresh* *refresh* oooh! no... *refresh* #buyingGlastonburytickets" <-- she is also going to Laneway! *swoon*
"Current topic of discussion in our living room: the mating habits of muppets." <-- flatmates for the BEST twitter material.
@katjnz is a really neat tweeter who manages not to take herself or social media too seriously. She can have a laugh, hold a conversation, maintain her own individual sense of self and personality while kicking it with the cool kids all at the same time. If you would like to learn some more about kat she shares some of her current projects at her fabulous website -
I quite like her. A lot. As a tweeter she's really cool. Two thumbs up from me!
cool kid,
pop culture,
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Random follow #256 - @kylemacd
There are normal people on twitter. Yes - its true! Normal as in REALLY normal! Lets be honest there are quite a few different personalities and types of people in social media. Most of us are a bit quirky, sideways and sometimes completely left field. But sprinkled in amongst us all are people like - fireman, police, doctors and todays person - a psychotherapist.
@kylemacd is based in Auckland and tweets the good stuff. He talks about interesting stuff that many of us think about but don't necessarily know where to go to get the answers. Topics like - leadership, personality types, depression and how to overcome it and stress management.
@kylemacd is based in Auckland and tweets the good stuff. He talks about interesting stuff that many of us think about but don't necessarily know where to go to get the answers. Topics like - leadership, personality types, depression and how to overcome it and stress management.
Many of us tweet about those topics from an experiential starting point in that we are in the middle of them. What Doctor Kyle does is give us hints and tips and links to get research that provide ways to overcome and get past those things. Or at least manage them better anyway.
What I really like about Kyle as a tweeter is his range of discussion points. He mixes up his timeline with a variation of interesting articles and links alongside his own personal tweets that are often times funny or at the least interesting. There are the occasional RTs but they are ALWAYS good one's that make you smile.
Here's a random selection of what you'll find in @kylemacd timeline -
"I blame the National Government #AmericasCup"
"7" (<-- yes that is an actual tweet)
"What to Do On a Second or Third Date | Psychology Today " <-- the more serious stuff
Kyle is a tweeter who uses the social media platform for good. He tweets useful information, interesting articles and helpful hints and tips for better living. Every twitter timeline needs to have someone in it that keeps it grounded. And also challenges some of your thinking as well. I recommend @kylemacd for that very reason.
And if you think that his twitter stream is just a little quiet or you really want to find out and read more - then you're in luck. He has a really amazing blog AND he is on the radio too. What more are you waiting for?
mental health,
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Random follow #255 - @SPELLACEY
The best things in life come in pairs. Thats two of something. This year I have been super blessed to make the acquaintance of some of the most beautiful people I have ever met. And two of those people are ladies whom it is impossible for someone not to fall in love with.
@SPELLACEY and @BellaFromTheMar are the absolutest bestest of friends that I have ever met. They are both super styley, attractive, energetic and full of bounce and have both a passion and enthusiasm for life. These two make quite a pair. Even so they are both very much individuals as well. And today it is Lynettes turn to be added to the #RKT Hall of Fame.
"Loving this 31degrees in Sydney.... but not loving the bush fires! At all!!!" <-- a person who is so well balanced she is always thinking of others while enjoying herself.
@SPELLACEY and @BellaFromTheMar are the absolutest bestest of friends that I have ever met. They are both super styley, attractive, energetic and full of bounce and have both a passion and enthusiasm for life. These two make quite a pair. Even so they are both very much individuals as well. And today it is Lynettes turn to be added to the #RKT Hall of Fame.
@SPELLACEY is a very genuine and lovely lady. Her smile is to die for. When she smiles its like a thing of absolute beauty. She does appear to be the slightly shyer of the two but she certainly knows how to let her hair down and have a really fun time.
Lynette is a very encouraging, loving and endearing lady. With an amazing fashion style and eye for the finer things in life she knows what works and what doesn't when it comes to what to wear. She is also a very adventurous type who isn't afraid to take a calculated risk or gamble if the odds appear to be in her favour. She isn't one for being frivolous or silly but rather she has a calculating mind that can quickly assess a situation and she knows what her next move will be.
@SPELLACEY isn't on twitter or social media to gather a following. She isn't about hype or hot air. But she is about making friends and talking to other genuine people who make her smile and happy. And her volume of tweets, follows and followers testifies to that fact.
But it wouldn't be fair if I did all the talking. Lets hear from the lady herself -
"Will def be having granddaughters for many more sleepovers... chatted up while buying fish & chips with them!!!" <-- smart man!
"Dynamo.... too much! absolute magic" <-- she knows talent when she sees it.
Honestly 96% of Lynettes tweets are ones where she is engaging and encouraging other tweeters. ANd that something special right there. That someone is so incredibly involved and interested in the welfare and happiness of others is such a beautiful trait. Its one that social media needs far more of.
In ten words or less how would I describe @SPELLACEY? Caring, calm, fun, attractive, feet on the ground, endearing and a fabulous sense of style. And how could anyone have ALL those characteristics and not live anywhere else but Wellington? Well it goes without saying that she does of course.
If you choose to follow Lynette be prepared to be showered in enthusiasm, love and care. Cos that is who she is as a person and its what she does so well on twitter.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Random follow #254 - @MahonriWilliams
The @peopleofnz account is truly one of the greatest ways to discover awesome people on twitter. Todays RKT is a person who took the reins, gave the account a good kick in the rump and rode it for all it was worth. It was during that week of curation that i pushed the follow button knowing that this was going to be a golden opportunity to follow someone of worth.
@MahonriWilliams is a tweeter that I would classify as a brother. Not a brother like he's a relation of yours or mine but a brother as in the old school definition. Like as in african american terminology - he's one of the brothers!. He makes the cool in cat, the smooth in butter and the cream in milk.
@MahonriWilliams is a tweeter that I would classify as a brother. Not a brother like he's a relation of yours or mine but a brother as in the old school definition. Like as in african american terminology - he's one of the brothers!. He makes the cool in cat, the smooth in butter and the cream in milk.
His creative style and approach to twitter is what I enjoy the most. Its like he has been cut from a similar cloth to the one and only Taika Waititi. I am not saying he is or will be a movie maker - cos I have no idea about that - but rather its about his ability to look at something quite plain or bland and approach it in an unconventional way.
Here are some examples of what I am talking about -
"Had an epiphany that I should be a news anchor. 6pm is mine from 2030 onward, so get your hands off!"
"There must be a few coconuts in the mix cos all I hear is 'cheehoo' being echoed around the bay. East Coast has gone multicultural."
"My brain alerts me when I see someone writing with their left hand. I look at them a little bit longer too. Never for right handed people."
@MahonriWilliams is a down to earth, genuine and level headed guy who has been spending a fair bit of time on the East Coast of the North Island. Maybe its the fresh air or the fact that they get the sun first down those aways that enables him to keep it fresh on twitter. There are no second hand tweets or rehashed ideas from others, What you get here is the real deal straight from the prophets mouth.
A description of the brother in 10 words - genuine, level headed, creative, down to earth, funny,original, brilliant. So this is my twitter recommendation for the day. @MahonriWilliams a brother like no other from another mother. Peace.
In closing the best part about is his optimism and sense of direction as evidenced by these two tweets -
"I'm pretty happy that my life is finally heading in the right direction. It's taken a while but I'm glad I moved home to sort myself out."
"Things are going to happen quickly for me the next few weeks. It's exciting. I know and understand my purpose fully."
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Random follow #252 - @MsBeeton
There truly are some very lovely people on twitter. The thing I have found is that to find these lovely people its all about who you know and who they know. The lovely people don't make a big song and dance or tweet in such a way as to draw an audience. Rather they go about their twitter business in such a way as to offer encouragement, share stories and light up other peoples days.
@msbeeton is one of the truly lovely people who grace us with their presence on twitter in New Zealand. Maybe its just me or is it that lots of lovely people have interests in two things L? Libraries and Literature. These two things go hand in hand. Add in a third - lovely - and that is the perfect description for Andrea.
Not every day is a winner for her. Some days are just plain rubbish to be honest. But Andrea has a significant level of resilience and an ability to overcome where others crumble.
Having employment in a library opens her up to some interesting experiences and interactions with people which every so often she chooses to share with us. Such as -
@msbeeton is one of the truly lovely people who grace us with their presence on twitter in New Zealand. Maybe its just me or is it that lots of lovely people have interests in two things L? Libraries and Literature. These two things go hand in hand. Add in a third - lovely - and that is the perfect description for Andrea.
Having employment in a library opens her up to some interesting experiences and interactions with people which every so often she chooses to share with us. Such as -
"Met a kid called Otherwise this morning. Yup."
She also has the perfect recipe for fixing political issues of the day -
"Government shut downs, privileged people having tanties?
Just stay home and have a cup of tea and some cake loves #gbbolifelessons"
Just stay home and have a cup of tea and some cake loves #gbbolifelessons"
This amazing lady is a wife, a mum and a keep the house in order coordinator. Although it appears not everyone got the memo -
"It has just occurred to my husband that it is the school holidays and his previously stay at home wife
now has job. Ruh roh spaghettio"
She also has a knack for making what can be banal or plain into something quite cool -
"Somehow I've turned my essay on King Solomon's mines
into a discussion about how ace Tomb Raider is."
Being a full time mum, full time wife and full time librarian is not an easy balance to maintain. But somehow @msbeeton seems to make it look easy. With her tweets at least anyway. How do I describe her in 10 words or less? Like this - lovely lady, librarian, literature lover, wife, mum, refreshing, engaging, hilarious.
The last comment in todays post goes to the wonderful lady herself. Who lights up my timeline with thoughts and observations like these -
"Rose made lemon slice for afternoon tea, perfect studying snack, except now my keyboard is all sticky"
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Random follow #251 - @david227181
David is not someone I personally know a lot about. He is essentially completely brand new to the twitter scene so he starts with a clean slate and an open canvas. With a total of 58 tweets to his name (as at todays date) he hasn't had time to reveal too much of himself online yet.
Here are a few things about @david227181 that I do know that I find of huge interest. He is a gentleman of a certain age who is not typical tweeter. "A certain age?" I hear you ask.... yes a certain age. Don't ask what that age is because that would be being rude.
He profile suggests that he is an active older gentleman who enjoys being outside and keeping himself physically active. And not only active in a physical sense but also intellectually as his twitter bio tells us -
Here are a few things about @david227181 that I do know that I find of huge interest. He is a gentleman of a certain age who is not typical tweeter. "A certain age?" I hear you ask.... yes a certain age. Don't ask what that age is because that would be being rude.
He profile suggests that he is an active older gentleman who enjoys being outside and keeping himself physically active. And not only active in a physical sense but also intellectually as his twitter bio tells us -
Jazz, classical music. Reading French and German. Local poetry group.
Social media and being good at it are not defined by age or location. Success at social media is about your ability to have a keen intellect, an ability to express yourself concisely and precisely and also to be endearing and engaging. @david227181 manages to tick all these boxes.
But don't just take my word for it. Have a read of a few of his tweets and find out for yourself -
"Black rain lashed night. Cold wet cat clambers into bed. Tells me I'm the best thing since the fridge door. Test of true love"
"Breakfast in bed. Bliss. Thunder ~ wet cat scrambles through cat door waiting waiting"
David brings a completely different feel to twitter. He has a creative mind and an engaging intellect that shows itself through the use of words. He has an ability to string words together in a way that they dance across the page. Such as -
"Fingers slow, brain older but alert. Forging from one chord to the next ~
classical guitar, a solitary satisfaction"
David shares his thoughts with twitter (and the wider world) as and when the moment of inspiration strikes. I would warn you not to sit around waiting for a tweet. But add @david227181 to a twitter list of some sort. And then wait. Because good things come to those that do.
"If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'"
Random follow #250 - @kiltedkiwi
@Kiltedkiwi is an expat kiwi who now resides in the beautiful country of Scotland. Yes there are plenty of expats overseas and yes they are usually great tweeters. But there is something different about a man who wears a skirt. Oops sorry I meant a kilt.
Kilted Kiwi is a great chap with an excellent sense of wit but openly confesses to having a not so flash twitter bio. But what he lacks in twitter bio he makes up for and more through his tweets.
Here are a few to give you a little view into his twitter world -
"Oops apparently it's only #nationalpoetryday, hyperbole such a poetic word me thinks!" Aaahhh the pure
wit shines through.
"Wonder if I'll ever stop buying #cycling gear?! Fluoro is the new black". A man who knows that health is the elixir of youth.
And then there a few obligatory tweets that reference his new home land. Such as -
"Off to a kiwi farewell, haggis & whiskey, gotta admit- not a huge haggis fan. Och well, when in Rome & all that!"
Kilted Kiwi is a really funny guy who keeps the jokes rolling, the humour flowing and twitter lol'ing. He won't hog your timeline n part cos he lives in the opposite timezone to us but also because twitter is a hobby and not a lifestyle. And I like that fact.
One thing I have enjoyed doing recently with twitter is going international with my follows. And @Kiltedkiwi is one expat kiwi who I am pleased to have found online and follow. You might want to try checking him out too.
Kilted Kiwi is a great chap with an excellent sense of wit but openly confesses to having a not so flash twitter bio. But what he lacks in twitter bio he makes up for and more through his tweets.
"Oops apparently it's only #nationalpoetryday, hyperbole such a poetic word me thinks!" Aaahhh the pure
wit shines through.
"Wonder if I'll ever stop buying #cycling gear?! Fluoro is the new black". A man who knows that health is the elixir of youth.
And then there a few obligatory tweets that reference his new home land. Such as -
"Off to a kiwi farewell, haggis & whiskey, gotta admit- not a huge haggis fan. Och well, when in Rome & all that!"
Kilted Kiwi is a really funny guy who keeps the jokes rolling, the humour flowing and twitter lol'ing. He won't hog your timeline n part cos he lives in the opposite timezone to us but also because twitter is a hobby and not a lifestyle. And I like that fact.
One thing I have enjoyed doing recently with twitter is going international with my follows. And @Kiltedkiwi is one expat kiwi who I am pleased to have found online and follow. You might want to try checking him out too.
nice guy,
united kingdom
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Random follow #249 - @larkslarder
Food glorious food! If there was ever a reason to be on social media it's for two things either food or cats. @larkslarder is the queen of the kitchen. Her twitter account is completely dedicated to food - savouring it, creating it, seeking out new recipes and treating others to a feast. (And she occasionally shares a cat picture or two as well....)
Emma is absolutely devoted to food and everything about it. It is the pictures that really make you salivate with their goodness and luciousness. Often times someone's twitter profile page can tell you everything about them. This is very true of Emma. The first photo you will find is of chocolate balls (for lack of a better description). They look so good you almost want to lick the screen.
When someone has a passion for a particular thing then that passion oozes out of them. And it is that passion that you will find in spades in Emma's tweets. To be fair though telling you about her tweets can in no way really describe to you just how good her timeline is. Because it's the photos that set apart from anyone else that I know of.
Here are a few random tweets that will hopefully have you savouring more -
"Sunday roast at my mum's tonight. Mum food is always the best food!"
"Enjoyed whipping up some scones this morning to take to work."
"First of September means the first day of whitebait season down here on the coast. Looking forward to whitebait patties!"
Emma is still relatively new to the twittersphere with just a hundred tweets or so. But what great tweets they have been so far. It goes without saying that @larkslarder is one tweeter who will absolutely have you coming back for more. And if you her twitter account just isn't quite doing it for you then her food blog is absolutely second to none. So give her a follow. Check out her blog. Let her know how much you enjoy her work. Because one helping just isn't enough when things are this good.
Emma is absolutely devoted to food and everything about it. It is the pictures that really make you salivate with their goodness and luciousness. Often times someone's twitter profile page can tell you everything about them. This is very true of Emma. The first photo you will find is of chocolate balls (for lack of a better description). They look so good you almost want to lick the screen.
When someone has a passion for a particular thing then that passion oozes out of them. And it is that passion that you will find in spades in Emma's tweets. To be fair though telling you about her tweets can in no way really describe to you just how good her timeline is. Because it's the photos that set apart from anyone else that I know of.
Here are a few random tweets that will hopefully have you savouring more -
"Sunday roast at my mum's tonight. Mum food is always the best food!"
"Enjoyed whipping up some scones this morning to take to work."
"First of September means the first day of whitebait season down here on the coast. Looking forward to whitebait patties!"
Emma is still relatively new to the twittersphere with just a hundred tweets or so. But what great tweets they have been so far. It goes without saying that @larkslarder is one tweeter who will absolutely have you coming back for more. And if you her twitter account just isn't quite doing it for you then her food blog is absolutely second to none. So give her a follow. Check out her blog. Let her know how much you enjoy her work. Because one helping just isn't enough when things are this good.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Random follow #248 - @muzzashow
Its really amusing when someone 'famous' follows you or talks to you on social media. Back in the day radio was king. There were a handful of stations that people listened to and everyone was very tribal about it all. You were either aligned with one station or another.
@muzzashow was (and is ) a DJ who hosted the morning show and kept everyone entertained for many years in the Auckland area. And since those heady days with all the hype and attention things have slowed down a little. Well maybe more than a little and more like a lot. But hey - we're all getting older and the times change.
So whats Muzza up to now? Well he's still on the airwaves which is really nice. When you are able to engage and carry on with your passion long after your days of fame have dimmed then that shows what a
true love you have for what you are doing. If you're thinking of listening in then head over to and check out that he is up to.
As far as twitter goes this is a relatively new venture for him. However given his work history and ability to entertain stringing together 140 characters into an understandable and entertaining sentence is something he is good at. Here are a few examples -
"Cold in Devonport folks 12 degrees Brrrr colder than stepmothers breath" <-- family relations
@muzzashow was (and is ) a DJ who hosted the morning show and kept everyone entertained for many years in the Auckland area. And since those heady days with all the hype and attention things have slowed down a little. Well maybe more than a little and more like a lot. But hey - we're all getting older and the times change.
So whats Muzza up to now? Well he's still on the airwaves which is really nice. When you are able to engage and carry on with your passion long after your days of fame have dimmed then that shows what a
true love you have for what you are doing. If you're thinking of listening in then head over to and check out that he is up to.
As far as twitter goes this is a relatively new venture for him. However given his work history and ability to entertain stringing together 140 characters into an understandable and entertaining sentence is something he is good at. Here are a few examples -
"Cold in Devonport folks 12 degrees Brrrr colder than stepmothers breath" <-- family relations
"tony abbot rhymes with phony habit ..yeah that is lame I know" <-- politics
"The Chinese are selling funnels to help men pee straight to avoid making a mess in public restrooms which could result in a fine of $15." <-- interesting (and slightly puzzling) facts from around the world.
@muzzashow is a really nice and genuine guy who if you tweet him will reply to you. He isn't on twitter to be Mr Popular but to engage with people the whole world round for the very same reasons that you and I are on here.
If you look hard enough you will find him hanging out at his favorite coffee shop, sitting back and savouring the flavor of a fine coffee at a number of cafe's in Devonport. If you do see him out and about - say hello and offer to buy him a coffee. Muzza is a really nice guy (who by all accounts also has a very sexy voice - according to the females) who is as engaging in real life as he is (was) on the radio.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Random follow #247 - @n8tvaffairs
Every week on @maoritv there is one show that totally sets twitter in New Zealand alight. Its like perfect clockwork. @n8tvaffairs starts and twitter goes wild. This show is how New Zealand keeps it real when it comes to current events and discussing the topics of the day that affect real people in real communities right across the country.
The stunningly gorgeous lady who sits behind the @n8tvaffairs account is Annabelle. Its her skill, wisdom, tenacity and ability to work across both political and societal spectrums that has allowed the show to both become a success and to stay one as well. Annabelle is the producer for the show which often means she does a lot of the thinking and co-ordinating of the show without always being seen in the spotlight or on camera.
Want to know why and how Annabelle tweets? Fearlessly would be one description. She is certainly not afraid to out her opinion out into the public domain. And if that means having a good robust discussion with a few people then bring it on. Don't think she is all about the arguing. At heart Annabelle is all about whanau and family. Protecting their rights and ensuring their quality of life is the best it possibly can be.
The @n8tvaffairs twitter account is a really busy one. In a good way of course. There's a really nice mix of the personal and the professional that keeps it fresh, active and keeps you coming back for more.
If you look through the @n8tvaffairs timeline you will actually find a whole bunch of Random Kiwi Tweeters who have been profiled this year too. Take a look and see how many you recognise. There are many good folk on the list who Annabelle interacts with week after week.
In years past to be an advocate for the people meant banners, signs, sit ins and other forms of protest. In a modern world where media rules then it is through that medium that change can be both forced and coerced. @n8tvaffairs is that advocate for fairness and change. Long may it continue to grace out television screens week after week creating and encouraging the debate this country so badly needs.
The stunningly gorgeous lady who sits behind the @n8tvaffairs account is Annabelle. Its her skill, wisdom, tenacity and ability to work across both political and societal spectrums that has allowed the show to both become a success and to stay one as well. Annabelle is the producer for the show which often means she does a lot of the thinking and co-ordinating of the show without always being seen in the spotlight or on camera.
Want to know why and how Annabelle tweets? Fearlessly would be one description. She is certainly not afraid to out her opinion out into the public domain. And if that means having a good robust discussion with a few people then bring it on. Don't think she is all about the arguing. At heart Annabelle is all about whanau and family. Protecting their rights and ensuring their quality of life is the best it possibly can be.
The @n8tvaffairs twitter account is a really busy one. In a good way of course. There's a really nice mix of the personal and the professional that keeps it fresh, active and keeps you coming back for more.
So as far as personal tweets here's what you'll get -
"Hi Friday you little spunk! Now where are my PJs at? :)"
And the professional -
"From behind the bars to the big league.. On #NativeAffairs the remarkable story of Suaia Matagi #KeepTheFaith #Warriors #LetsGoneWarriors"
The poignant -
"makes me feel ashamed. What a joke. Marriage equality is meaningless
if this is how we treat our takatapui community."
if this is how we treat our takatapui community."
If you look through the @n8tvaffairs timeline you will actually find a whole bunch of Random Kiwi Tweeters who have been profiled this year too. Take a look and see how many you recognise. There are many good folk on the list who Annabelle interacts with week after week.
In years past to be an advocate for the people meant banners, signs, sit ins and other forms of protest. In a modern world where media rules then it is through that medium that change can be both forced and coerced. @n8tvaffairs is that advocate for fairness and change. Long may it continue to grace out television screens week after week creating and encouraging the debate this country so badly needs.
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