Thursday, October 10, 2013

Random follow #256 - @kylemacd

There are normal people on twitter.  Yes - its true!  Normal as in REALLY normal!  Lets be honest there are quite a few different personalities and types of people in social media.  Most of us are a bit quirky, sideways and sometimes completely left field.  But sprinkled in amongst us all are people like - fireman, police, doctors and todays person - a psychotherapist.

@kylemacd is based in Auckland and tweets the good stuff.  He talks about interesting stuff that many of us think about but don't necessarily know where to go to get the answers.  Topics like - leadership, personality types, depression and how to overcome it and stress management.

Many of us tweet about those topics from an experiential starting point in that we are in the middle of them.  What Doctor Kyle does is give us hints and tips and links to get research that provide ways to overcome and get past those things.  Or at least manage them better anyway.

What I really like about Kyle as a tweeter is his range of discussion points.  He mixes up his timeline with a variation of interesting articles and links alongside his own personal tweets that are often times funny or at the least interesting.  There are the occasional RTs but they are ALWAYS good one's that make you smile.

Here's a random selection of what you'll find in @kylemacd timeline - 

"I blame the National Government #AmericasCup"

"7"  (<-- yes that is an actual tweet)

"What to Do On a Second or Third Date | Psychology Today "  <-- the more serious stuff

Kyle is a tweeter who uses the social media platform for good.  He tweets useful information, interesting articles and helpful hints and tips for better living.  Every twitter timeline needs to have someone in it that keeps it grounded.  And also challenges some of your thinking as well.  I recommend @kylemacd for that very reason.

And if you think that his twitter stream is just a little quiet or you really want to find out and read more - then you're in luck.  He has a really amazing blog AND he is on the radio too.  What more are you waiting for?

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