Kilted Kiwi is a great chap with an excellent sense of wit but openly confesses to having a not so flash twitter bio. But what he lacks in twitter bio he makes up for and more through his tweets.
"Oops apparently it's only #nationalpoetryday, hyperbole such a poetic word me thinks!" Aaahhh the pure
wit shines through.
"Wonder if I'll ever stop buying #cycling gear?! Fluoro is the new black". A man who knows that health is the elixir of youth.
And then there a few obligatory tweets that reference his new home land. Such as -
"Off to a kiwi farewell, haggis & whiskey, gotta admit- not a huge haggis fan. Och well, when in Rome & all that!"
Kilted Kiwi is a really funny guy who keeps the jokes rolling, the humour flowing and twitter lol'ing. He won't hog your timeline n part cos he lives in the opposite timezone to us but also because twitter is a hobby and not a lifestyle. And I like that fact.
One thing I have enjoyed doing recently with twitter is going international with my follows. And @Kiltedkiwi is one expat kiwi who I am pleased to have found online and follow. You might want to try checking him out too.
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