But having a few letters behind your name doesn't make you who you are. What it does is tell everyone else that you have a passion in a particular area, you know more than most other people do about that subject and you have the skills and abilities to both teach about it as well as teach others.
That is exactly what @booksadventures does. He is both a writer of books as well as a reader of them. And he is also a teacher.
Matt is a really genuine guy who comes armed with a great sense of humor. It appears that in real life he is just as witty as he is online -
"Really? I'm so proud. RT @catatonichic New word I learned from @booksadventures: sassmonger", and
"Now THERE's a Facebook status update. "Bleakish.""
And he is pretty good with his volume of tweets produced too. Just be warned that he tweets. A lot. In a good way of course. Matt also has a knack of seeking out and RTing some really good tweets too. So this is in no way a boring account - quite the opposite. There is light, laughter and love in this timeline. And libraries. Lots and lots of libraries. And included in a large number of those library tweets are the truly legendary @corinh.
He is pretty good at encouraging people to engage both with reading as well events that surround the library scene as well. Matt gives you some insight into what books and materials he is using to teach different classes so you can sort of read along if you like. He gives credit where credit is due which is a trait not often exercised -
"That reminds me - coffee with Jo of @UnityBooks inspired & revived me this lunchtime. Great booksellers make such a difference to city life."
So if you are looking for a tweeter who is highly engaging, very energetic and entertaining to boot then @booksadventures is just the person you are looking for . So there you go.
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