Monday, June 3, 2013

Random follow #138 - @nukuroa

Quite possibly one of the most irreverent twitter accounts on the market today is @nukuroa.  To be fair I have no idea on how to read this account.  Is it straight up sarcasm?  Are the tweets intellectual thoughts laced with wit and a kick to the balls?  Yes to both.

I have been following Nukuroa for some time now and quite often I have to sit back and ask the question 'what is the real intention of this tweet?'

There are some funny one's too that aren't always what they appear to be straight off the bat.  Rather they are more like a curve ball that you think is headed in one direction but they skew towards the opposite at the last minute.  Tweet example -

"Didn't even realise the spelling bee thing on ESPN had finished. Hash tag: Time for moe ..."

and this one - "You are your 5 closest friends … what a disturbing thought."

What I do like about this account is that @nukuroa isn't afraid to tell it like it is.  Be it use of profanities, artistic design or straight in your face pointedness.  You know where he stands on an issue at any given point in time.  And he isn't afraid to make a mockery or take the mickey out of something.  Most often its something dumb someone has said or he takes a counter culture stance - 

"The SIS require my details. Hash tag: This is why you use encrypted messages, TOR, and … delete your tweets regularly people lol"

And then throw in some actual moments of genius and you get this - 

"Create a micro-business … with micro-money … for micro -customers. Hash tag: Success in the future is all about the micro."

So I can tell you my thoughts and observations on the twitter account that is @nukuroa.  But the only way to do this account any real justice is to follow it yourself.  And if you are going to follow then you probably want to read the bio first - 

"The irrelevant misgivings of a stupid white polynesian arse. Brain farts captured for eternity ... or until i restart again. Retards, I come in peace."

Seriously though - don't be put off by this writing.  It is in fact a true and accurate account of a twitter performer.  One who can entertain an incredible audience while still remaining true to himself.  I do actually think that @nukuroa is an undiscovered indie tweeter who inhabits a corner of twitter where many want to go but just don't have the balls (or the spine) to make it happen.

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