A man of many talents and skills. That is a pretty good way to describe today's tweeter. @djpaterson it would be fair to say is a book worm. The all important twitter photo tells you a lot about people. For @djpaterson it tells you that he is a man who loves to read.
And I'm picking he has a pretty ferocious appetite when it comes to reading too. Which may be a good thing if his current tweets are anything to go by - "1:27am. My butt is the shape of an plastic hospital chair."
He is the originator and the good bloke who sits behind the controls of the @peopleofNZ twitter account. Which is really cool because he is able to make a difference in and through peoples lives via that account without actually having to do much (except change the password once a week). And whats neat is that he engages with the curator of the account each week as well. Offering encouragement to those who are doing well and letting them know its a no pressure account.
You know what? Its really hard trying to blog about someone who is genuinely nice and almost all their tweets are either questions or responses to others. But he does occasionally come through with a genuinely funny tweet that gets you to LOL -
"I'm not buying that Graphics Interchange Format, or GIF, is pronounced JIF, so don't even try to convince me."
Or this one -
"Don't usually sympathise with telesales staff, but it was entertaining listening to a lady trying to hold a conversation with my deaf dad."
And the inevitable when you make a mistake but no one notices because your tweet really was that good -
I am not going to give too much away about DJ except to say he has been spending some time away from his little town of residence in Wellington. That is he has moved away from the colony and back to the mother land. Is he going to return home some time? I have no idea. And to be honest that's none of my business. But as long as he keeps on tweeting from whatever part of the world he is in then twitter is a better place.
Final note - DJ's wife has been doing it a bit tough recently with having an operation and a few complications. So from twitter to Mr and Mrs @djpaterson we wish you all the very best with your recovery.
Wow, Jonathon - thank you.