Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Random follow #89 - @NZDig

Today's random tweeter has nothing to do with gardening or outdoor work.  As much as the name may make you think daffodils, pumpkins or vegetables you would be incorrect.

@NZDig is the brain child of one of New Zealand's most popular technology podcaster @PaulSpain.  The New Zealand Digital Podcast is an offshoot and more specialised podcast that is focused on digital media and happenings in the world around us.  The original NZ Tech Podcast (@NZTechPodcast) was started two or three years ago and now has just under 200 podcasts available for you to listen to.

The best way to describe @NZDig is by showing you the twitter bio -

"A resource for those working in the digital space - incl digital marketing, media, online, social media, advertising, film, TV, and entrepreneurship".

The @NZTechPodcast is very much the benchmark when it comes to announcing and reviewing new technologies and events happening in the technology world.  Paul and the guys have pretty much interviewed anyone who is anyone on their show over the years.  And you can be sure that the @NZDig won't be far behind or far off achieving the same levels of greatness as well.

I was fortunate enough to jump on the @NZTechPodcast bandwagon all the back at episode one when it was first released.  And I can proudly say that I have joined this new podcast from the very first episode as well.

As far as tweets go there aren't that many yet because Paul and the team only have one episode released so far.  I have it on good authority that the second podcast should be available on iTunes soon so keep an eye out.  So why the digital podcast?  Well to be frank not everyone is a tech geek.  But lots and lots of us are interested in digital media, where it is headed, what is trending and so on.

Believe me this is not a fly by night, now you see it now you don't kind of podcast.  Paul doesn't commit to a project unless he is 100% behind it and he always see's what he starts through to a successful conclusion.  I would actually like to write a whole blog post just on my friend Paul (whom I have known now for 20 something years - through thick and thin) but because I know him so well I think that would be a bit disingenuous.   So I've snuck him into the blog via this project.  He is also one of the brains behind the very successful (and under the radar) company @gorillatech who are a force to be reckoned with.  

My long range forecast is that @NZDig will quickly become the industry standard for knowing what is happening in the digital world.  So you best get in early and be ahead of the game or you may be left behind.

"“The future starts today, not tomorrow.” ― Pope John Paul II

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