Thursday, April 4, 2013

Random follow #85 - @realmshark

Loyal is the key lyric in the song of the same name written by Dave Dobbyn.  In the world of professional sports there is very little loyalty that still exits when the powerful lure of money is always on offer.  Athletes shift around the world from team to team looking to make a secure future for themselves financially.

Fans however are a different kettle of fish.  Football fans especially.  It is fans like @realmshark that keep he heart and soul of sports alive.  It doesn't matter the weather, the result or who the opposition is these guys can be found at the stadium, at the pub or in their lounge watching and supporting their team week and in week out.

@realmshark is one of those fans who sticks with their team through thick and thin.  That speaks volumes about the character of the man.  "But what will I find if I read his tweets?" I hear you say....

  1. You'll find lots of sport  -->  "Hey folks... Can someone tell me the date of the Allwhites game in November?"
  2. You'll find lots of social engagements -->  "Flight to Auckland at 6.30am tomorrow morning... Fishing on the Hauraki and a visit to the casino install. Who's around for a meet up?"
  3. You'll find lots of making arrangements to meet up with people and interact in real life -->  " I NEED ONE... Wanna meet at the backbencher??"
  4. You'll find RT's from interesting tweeters with a whole range of facts and stories that you may not have otherwise uncovered or just missed  ->  "CCM are slightly understrength, but not enough to put Operation in danger of failing. Come on CCM! "
As a sideline you'll find in his bio that he works in insurance and plays a fair bit of poker.  That stuff he doesn't tweet about so much.  In my experience people tweet about what is important to them.  For Brendan whats important to him the most are people.  Once again I believe that what we have here is a person who uses twitter but it will never ever replace real life interactions or experiences.  It simply enhances them.

Oh I forgot to mention that he's a really nice guy too.

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