Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Random follow #83 - @BabeAtSea

 "Adventure is out there!"

This is the catch phrase to one of my most favorite movies of all time.  In the movie "Up!" a pair of friends make a pact as kids to go exploring and to find a mysterious location that lies half a world away from where they grow up.  As the movie progresses the story takes a number of twists and turns and a number of different adventures take place.

Todays random kiwi tweeter is also a person for whom searching for and finding an adventure is one of their hobbies in life.  @BabeAtSea is a man for whom the world is not big enough.  He is a self confessed travel addict with a passion for escaping these fine shores that we affectionately know as being New Zealand.

As always with interesting people he does two things.  
  1. He interacts with other tweeters.  A lot.  having looked through his timeline probably 98% of his tweets are interactions with others.
  2. He has a great sense of humor.  he can take a fairly banal tweet from someone and reply in such a way as to flip that tweet on its head and make what could have been a heavy convo and switches it up.  For example "Such an injustice - the one time North Korea might be trending on twitter and they probably don't even have it."  
He also has a keen intuition that shows that he understands people.  Which is in my mind the single biggest factor is determining if you can be a twitter success or not.  Example - "In old days, lights went out one by one, as the Waltons called "Good Night". Now it's the closing of the open webpages that signals bedtime"

@BabeAtSea doesn't confine himself to any one area of topic when it comes to a conversation.  He'll happily jump in anywhere and converse about anything,  And what he doesn't know he makes up!  Such as " Eh?? What the heck is fambam?" or " Love the coat - but as Princess margaret used to say, Pink and green should never be seen."

Warning - Alan tweets.  A lot.  Like a lot a lot.  So if you don't mind having lots of tweets show up in your timeline from one source regularly then  @BabeAtSea is your man.  Don't worry too much though.  His tweets are anything but boring and if anything can actually be a little bit educational from time to time.  Such as "The word "tampon" originated from the medieval French word tampion, a piece of cloth to stop a hole, a stamp, plug, or stopper. "

That's all I have to say about @BabeAtSea because thats about all I know.  If you want to know more go ask him your self,  I am  sure he will oblige and regale you with stories from the many journeys and adventures that he has had.  Peace.

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