Saturday, April 20, 2013

(Not so) Random follow #100 - the girl with The Rolling Stone's tattoo

As you live your life there are many, many people with whom you will cross paths.  Some people will make additions to you while others subtract.  Many people will pass through and pass by without you noticing them.  Today's person is someone who has been an addition.

Jaarna is a beautiful young lady whom I have known for a few years.  She first came to us from Tauranga and took up a position within the creative school administration team (also known as CTC).  It didn't take her very long to make an impact on people.  Not that she was loud or overbearing or any of those things.  Rather she went about her work in a constructive, methodical and clear headed way.

Jaarna is a people person.  She is a person who when she smiles and laughs can light up a room.  She has the ability to turn a dreary dull day into one full of love, fun and creativity.  She also has an exceptional sense of humor mainly due to her upbringing in Opotiki.  So its not exactly refined in a posh, private school manner.  More like a down at the pub raucous night out kind of sense of humor.

She is also a very open and loving person.  She accepts anyone and everyone into her life.  There has been the odd time when people have taken advantage of that but Jaarna is a quick learner.  And she can also see through the bullshit.  If you bring to her a heap of dung wrapped up in fancy paper - she knows and can very quickly figure out your lies and crap.

Anyway.  Jaarna is also a lover of tattoos.  And she has two distinctive one's that I know of.  The first is the Rolling Stone's symbol which is emblazoned in full color on the top of one of her feet.  She wears it proudly. And it is quite a remarkable thing.  I was caught completely unawares when I saw it for the first time and had to do both a double and triple take to recognise just what it was.  She also has angels wings on her back.  And this one I believe is a very true representation of her.  She has such a kind and gentle nature about her that to say she is an angel would be a very fair description.

It was just a few years ago that Jaarna, after going through a particularly tough patch, found the woman of her dreams.  I would often catch up with her and ask how it was going and Jaarna would gush and tell me about this amazing lady she had met would had completely swept her off her feet.  As Hayley lived in Wellington and we were in Rotorua there were many discussions on the best and most efficient ways of heading south.  (I think in Jaarna's mind the fastest way possible was the only way!!!)

Jaarna left us and moved south to live with her fine partner.  Life had definitely turned a corner and things were coming together very, very nicely.  A new job, a new career, love abounding - everything was going well.

Until.  Until the day she was told she had cancer.  Not terminal at that stage but cancer nonetheless.  And so began the treatments.  The day in and day out of therapy, feeling ill, hair loss, constant fatigue and the throwing up.  If there is no other message that you take away from this post let it be that Jaarna is a fighter and a survivor.  And its been the love, support and sheer determination  of both Hayley and her family and friends that has helped Jaarna with her fight.

And with the support of her work colleagues and family they thought up a fundraising campaign to help cover the costs of day to day living.  Not being able to work meant that there was a huge financial hole created.  So Shelley and Janet (some of Jaarna's very best friends) thought up the idea of FLAG day.

F = Fight
L = Like
A = A
G = Girl  

FLAG day was a super dooper fundraiser that was HUGE.  Unfortunately Jaarna wasn't able to be there due to the timing of her treatments but she joined the festivities virtually.

Without a doubt one of the happiest days of Jaarna's life was when her and Hayley became civil partners.  When Hayley came into Jaarna's life it was like night and day.  A bubbly, happy, resilient spirit welled up within her and started bubbling over so that all who knew them couldn't but become infected with the love and devotion they have for each other.  And it may very well be that they may be able to get married this year too.  But there are other factors in play that may or may not see that happen.

So whats happening now?  In short Jaarna has been told that cancer has returned and this time it will bring her life to a close.  Sooner rather than later.  And so I write this post not because I am looking for sympathy as a friend.  But rather as a way to acknowledge a very special, beautiful, lovely young lady for whom I have ALL THE LOVE AND RESPECT in the world for.  I am proud to say she is my friend.  And she will ALWAYS hold a very special place within my heart.

This not an obituary or meant to be dark.  Rather my intention is to tell you all about a very special lady who I am proud to say is my friend.  Often times we leave the things we should say to people until after they have gone.  And so in this post I am wanting to say all the things that I want to.  Hopefully I have been able to do that above.

You won't find Jaarna on twitter.  You probably won't find her on Facebook either.  And you definitely  won't be able to find her in Wellington.  Where you will find her is spending time with the most special people in the world in the most special place in the world to her.

My final thoughts -

Life is precious.  Love all the people.  Say all the things you need to say today.

Jaarna Holly Renee' Hoskins passed away on the 22nd of June, 2013. Farewell dear friend.


  1. I remember vividly the days those wings were tattoo'd on Jaarna,sitting there, stoic , determined to have them on one sitting.Family all gathered around celebrating a long hot day in Brisbane. The pride in getting her wings. The magic that surrounds her wings has continued through the years as they had pride of place in our tattoo studio albums,and in photographs that hung on our walls. they are an image that speaks to people,captivates them. Jaarn you have more than earned your wings, you have battled long and hard for them.For me they will forever signify you determination, your strength , passion and dedication.

    1. Wow! Thanks for sharing that part of the story. That is awesome!
