Thursday, April 25, 2013

Random follow #104 - @petrajane

The role of the historian is similar to that of a police detective.  Not so much in the sense that something sinister has taken place or that there is a crime that needs solving.  Rather the historian uses their observational skills and prowess to piece together many links, uncovers and sorts out the differences between fact and fiction, and ultimately a historian creates a written or descriptive story that helps us all understand the how and why things are as they are and how they got to be that way.

@petrajane is quite possibly one of the wittiest and most intelligent tweeters I have come across yet.  Being a historian means that she takes her time to find all the facts and she takes a very analytic view of things.  She has an observational eye and very sharp perception.  Much like Wonder Woman there is no foe to big, no problem that can't be dealt with and no force of evil that she will not tweet about.

She calls things as they are -

"Is ANZAC Day the only public holiday where it is considered acceptable to have a beer at 8 in the morning?"

and then she follows up with some hilarious sharing of her thoughts on the topic - 

"You must not listen to music at a pub before 1pm on ANZAC day unless you're drinking a beer you bought with lunch: …" and
" be safe, you might want to put your fingers in your ears before you walk into any licensed premises on a public holiday."

Petra is also a font of knowledge and happily shares all sorts of tidbits that she comes across.  It is this aspect that I really like.  The mix of current issues, sharing of facts and figures, mixed up with creativity and bound together by great humor = the tweets you find her posting.

She is also a HUGE fan of The Simpsons.  So much so that she captures the truly great dialogue that occurs and that shares it with us via the twitter platform.  She does quite clearly have one caveat that she abide's by for her tweeting - 

"sometimes I worry about clogging people's feeds, then I think "if you don't enjoy classic Simpsons dialogue, you can just GTFO"

And just to prove that there is more to her tweeting than just those two topics, here are a random assortment of other tweets that showcase what Petra is capable of - 

"If you'll excuse me, I have to go mock myself for not checking my own facts before tweeting..."
"Fun Fact: the Canyonero theme was performed by Hank Williams Jr, son of the country music legend"
"On streaming BBC World News alongside Twitter, I think I prefer my news coverage 10 minutes slower and not constantly issuing retractions"

@petrajane also thinks out her tweets before firing them off into the twittersphere.  There aren't too many rash or badly tweets given out.  I would hesitate to say each one undergoes some sort of quality assurance test but I don't think I would be too far wrong if I did.  

(A cat.  Because - why not?)

If you hit the follow button for @petrajane your timeline will thank you for it.

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