Welcome to the world of the social media community manager.
@J9Fenwick is the personality, the brains and the intelligence that brings to you StuffNation. One of the most used, highly commented on and amusing/infuriating community chat rooms in New Zealand. So it is probably not a surprise then that alongside Jannie's statement about her role she includes the word - wine. Just to be clear work isn't everything as you can see here -
"That amazing moment when you wake up, panic that you're late, then realise it's Saturday #DoNotDisturb"
But a persons career and vocation do not define a persons personality. Rather it is the way they tweet, the subjects they enjoy and the fun they bring to the world which really tells you who a person is. There are the shared overheard conversations -
""Does anyone know what position cows have sex in?" #ohnewsroom"
The occasional weather update -
"Wind so strong in Hataitai it just blew our BBQ off the deck on to the lawn. Guess we won't be needing it for a few months anyway #nzweather"
And social media platform crossover -
"Just hashtagged on Facebook. #partylikeasocialmediamanager"
So how do we describe Janine as a tweeter in 200 words or less? Well here are 59 to get you stated - Janine is a creative, interactive, engaging and fresh face on the twitter scene. She shares the good stories with the world and isn't afraid to RT something of real interest. She has a well-rounded sense of humour that will keep you chuckling while also being able to bring some seriousness and gravity that keeps both her and you grounded.
So to finish up - @J9Fenwick is a young, talented, little ray of sunshine who will brighten up your day in her own little way.
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