Sunday, July 21, 2013

Random follow #183 - @sulufiti

When I look at a tweeters bio and the first words I read are "i introduced the term 'cutty grass' to the kiwi vernacular" I know I have discovered a true gem of the New Zealand twitter scene.  @sulufiti jumps straight into the funny bits with his hardcase sense of humour.

Sharing pictures of interesting bits and pieces from around the Wellington area and other places that he ventures to light up his timeline is a positive way.  Its fair to say that his eclectic tweeting style is really well represented by the pictures he shares as well.  Also he has this knack of being able to discover and uncover really cool content on the interwebz that would otherwise go undiscovered.

Want to know what else is cool?  He is positive.  Positive in an optimist and see the cup half full kind of way.   Which allows him to bring tweets like these to the game -

"Winter always yields to Spring #bringiton #countdown", 


"Yeah just casually ate 10 x Gingernuts today #asyoudo"

Sulu brings a wide and varied list of interests to the twitter table.  He covers off such topics as sports, current events and geography as well - 

"Only Palmerston North would have a bar called 'The Stomach' #TrueStory #citystigma"

Is there anything else to know about this scholar and gentleman?  Well he comes from Wellington.  He takes pretty good care of his physique and if his photo's are anything to go by (just quietly) he's a bit of all right.

@sulufiti has a great mixture of both those who follow him and also those who he follows.  It doesn't take long to look through his timeline to see many tweeters who if you don't directly follow you probably know of.   Which is neat because that way you know straight up that this twitter player is legitimate.  And I am just going to go ahead and put it out there - this guy totally deserves MORE FOLLOWERS!!!  

After following Sulu for a few months I can give him the Maori salute of two eye brows up!  Chur. 

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