This incredibly nice guy is a dad and a doctor. I put them in that order because that is the order of priority for Andre. If you check out the photos that have been uploaded you can easily see that his kids mean the absolute world.
Andre is conversational, interactive and not afraid to share some little nuggets of medical advice along the way as he tweets. And whats really neat is seeing the global scale of interactions with other people. There certainly are not any geographical restraints or borders in social media.
"If it all gets too much you are welcome in new Zealand. After you've treated your first drunk dwarf you'll love it. #tipsfornewdocs"
@keeweedoc is an incredibly nice guy with a fantastic sense of humor. If his bedside manner and patient interactions are as good as his tweets and online conversations then I bet his patients really enjoy see him come around to visit them. He has a cool, calm and collected style that sees him tweet with ease and an ability to keep it real.
Occasionally he really turns your timeline on its head and comes out with what can best be described as "where on earth did that come from?" tweets -
"The senate has been a joke ever since jarjar binks was elected."
(Just to add some context this tweet was sent while Mr Rudd was overthrowing Ms Gillard).
Above all else here is one tip that transcends not the medical profession but also is a fantastic point to note for everyday living as well -
"Patients shouldn't be thought of as someones mother, father ect. All patients are someone and deserve your respect. #TipsForNewDocs"
Final word - all the best to Andre and his family with the addition of new family member number 3 currently under development. We look forward to seeing the development and photos of said newborn upon their arrival!
Note - any spelling mistakes are the original property of the tweeter @keeweedoc! LOL!
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