Saturday, February 23, 2013

Random follow #49 - @margie186

"Never judge a book by its cover".  That is true in real life but not so much when it comes to social media.  When someone new pops up in your timeline twitter allows you to get a wee snapshot of a person based on what they tell you in their bio.  With @margie186 that snapshot is quite amusing.  There is a mix of both the serious and silly which combine to create a really interesting mix.

Here is what her bio says at the moment -

"Epitaph will read: She was quite helpful. Part time Wife, expired use-by-date Mother, full time Procrastinator, Compulsive Communicator."

Rather than me try and undertake some sort of deep analysis of Margie and who she is as a social media personality, I am going to let her speak for herself.  So to start with here is one example of "she was quite helpful" -

"Trying to pimp sis-in-law’s handout for shops etc. She’s done it in Word on a pc. Not tearing my hair out at all. "

The wife -

"Have despatched husband to Japan. Now what shall I do? Hm…"

The mother -

"Parental Skype with the Samster. He told us to download 4pics 1word app. Husband now repeatedly asking: what's this stupid word? "

The procratinator -

"Right, that’s enough of today and Slackass Useless Margie Tomorrow will be all Uber Margie. "

The conversation maker -

"Just realised I’ve only spoken to the chemist and the gas station person today. Watch out twitter. "

And if you are sharp you will notice she has a link to a website.  Not just any website but a portfolio of photos that she has been able to capture.  There are so many stories that are told through her portfolio.  Landscapes,children and some very interesting creative tidbits. 

@margie186 is a fun loving wife, mum and all round cool chick.  She doesn't waste her tweets but she is an interacter and tweets alot.  You tweet you get a reply.  Simple really.  One lovely lady, one twitter account, one easy follow.  'Nuff said.

 This is one of @margie186's stunning photos from a few years ago.
(And no - I didn't get permission first so I am happy to change it if required)

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