Here is what her bio says at the moment -
"Epitaph will read: She was quite helpful. Part time Wife, expired use-by-date Mother, full time Procrastinator, Compulsive Communicator."
Rather than me try and undertake some sort of deep analysis of Margie and who she is as a social media personality, I am going to let her speak for herself. So to start with here is one example of "she was quite helpful" -
"Trying to pimp sis-in-law’s handout for shops etc. She’s done it in Word on a pc. Not tearing my hair out at all.
The wife -
"Have despatched husband to Japan. Now what shall I do? Hm…"
The mother -
"Parental Skype with the Samster. He told us to download 4pics 1word app. Husband now repeatedly asking: what's this stupid word?
The procratinator -
"Right, that’s enough of today and Slackass Useless Margie Tomorrow will be all Uber Margie.
The conversation maker -
"Just realised I’ve only spoken to the chemist and the gas station person today. Watch out twitter.
And if you are sharp you will notice she has a link to a website. Not just any website but a portfolio of photos that she has been able to capture. There are so many stories that are told through her portfolio. Landscapes,children and some very interesting creative tidbits.
@margie186 is a fun loving wife, mum and all round cool chick. She doesn't waste her tweets but she is an interacter and tweets alot. You tweet you get a reply. Simple really. One lovely lady, one twitter account, one easy follow. 'Nuff said.
This is one of @margie186's stunning photos from a few years ago.
(And no - I didn't get permission first so I am happy to change it if required)
(And no - I didn't get permission first so I am happy to change it if required)
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