That person today, ladies and gentlemen, is @firemanian. Without a doubt he is a very interesting and fun person to watch tweet and to communicate with. he is so interesting that he even has a twitter account setup for his beautiful and gorgeous dog Maddy the Beagle. You can check out her account here - @maddythebeagle. Maddy tweets occasionally and when she does it is something quite hilarious that will make you LOL.
When a person has a broad experience of life and has been able to live in various places they have a greater breadth and depth and understanding of life than your usual punter has. Additionally they can also pickup some of the eccentricities of an area and take them with them. I think that would be the best way to describe how @firemanian tweets. With eccentricity mixed in with reality and very little self absorption.
Here are the types of tweets you can expect from Ian -
"I love running in the rain! Just completed a 4km hilly x-country trail, I'm soaked but still smiling!
or this one -
"Went to the gym this morning, and just as I started my run, the fire alarm sounded!
Ian is one of those good guys in that if you tweet him then he will tweet you back. So from what I can see Ian is the kind of guy that absolutely sucks all the juices out of life. Never one to miss an opportunity and always ready to say yes to a challenge.
When @firemanian's days come to a close in the future I have no doubt that he will be able to sit back and think "that was a good life. A life worth living".
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