Thursday, February 21, 2013

Random follow #48 - @brbnz

When it comes to the outputs of creative people what we often see as the finished product is but a smidgen of the effort, blood, sweat and tears that goes into any project.  When someone is the director they have to find the balance between both creative expression while also keeping both the momentum and the spirits of those around them.

The passion of the director is the fire that drives them during the hard times when others can't see the same fire or vision of what the finished product will look like.  @brbnz is quite clear in his twitter bio that he is a director.  He is also a writer and I am picking somewhat of a producer as well -

"Second month of 2013. Started writing second play of 2013."

In my experience creative types of people don't fit into any sort of box.  Non-conformity is a trademark.  And even then in the nonconformity there are many different variations as well.  @brbnz is a person for whom there are no standard formulas that can be applied.  There is only one of him and I kind of like that.

According to his tweets his comes across as being a well rounded chap who likes to look after himself and keep in shape.  The kind of speed expressed in this tweet is not too shabby at all - "5.5kms in 32mins. Not bad for a Friday gym session. Altho my legs are dead now."

He is also a person who enjoys an intellectual challenge.  The Rubik's cube has been his nemesis late last year he was finally able to conquer the cube.  And he also enjoys a challenge.  A challenge like Lego.  It doesn't matter how old any male is for those of us who grew up playing with, constructing with and ultimately building our dream spaceships and buildings with - Lego never gets old.  And one can never be too old for the challenge of a new set.

@brbnz is a little selective on the tweeting front which is a good thing,  He doesn't tweet everyone just for the sake of it but he does have a select group of friends whom he trusts and keeps in touch with on a regular basis.  Although he does tweet a few self observations from time to time.  Such as - 

"I'm so awkward. I just said 'Thanks guy' to the gym trainer behind the front counter instead of saying 'Thanks man'..."

and "Just bought a new gym bag from Rebel Sport. Checkout girl asks if I want it in a bag. I say 'But it's already a bag'..."

In summary @brbnz is an round nice guy who displays incredible loyalty to his friends and a sensitivity that is rare amongst most males.  He is intellectual and smart while also being honest and funny. Good night and good luck.

Just for the record today's random kiwi tweeter
was recommended to me by their 2012 #nzsecretsanta!

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