Friday, July 19, 2013

Random follow #181 - @OrangeRogey

What makes a good tweeter?  If you were take a tweeter and dissect them or boil all their tweets down into their liquid form what would the key elements be?  Well lets try this little experiment - 

Key element #1.  Think about and support others.  "Hope that people are registering and supporting Riding for the Disabled gingerbread horse campaign. "

Key element #2.  If you're going to tweet then make it interesting.  "Just waiting to go into a meeting so thought I would post a quick tweet. #stillalive #stillinteresting"

Key element #3.  Stay in tune with popular trends. "I feel I need to confess that I've started playing Candy Crush. Sometimes I am just so right now".

Key element #4.  Have an opinion, share it and stick with it. "Getting off twitter for a while cant bear the idiot comments criticising govt support for starving kids - get a life fuck wits."

Key element #5.  Take a contrarian view and be funny about it.  "Can't believe that we are having another series of NZ's got Talent. I thought we found out last year that we didn't".

All of the elements above come from one great tweeter.  @OrangeRogey is a tweeter who has been around for a while using the platform and has an innate ability to both converse with people while also maintaining focus on what is important.

Guy has a healthy tweeting volume.  He jumps in every now and then and offers an opinion, tells a joke or shares a RT with the twitter world as he sees fit.  @OrangeRogey is one of my cornerstone tweeters in my timeline.  He stays true to himself and his values and this shows through in his tweets.

There isn't too much more to say about Guy that can be well said.  Apart from the fact that he hails from Wellington the rest of the story about him can best be read by following and interacting.  So go on - what have you got to lose?

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