One of the greatest accounts on twitter is @peopleofnz. It is that account that has led many of us to discover new tweeters who we didn't know before hand. @MrSan set the bar so high when it comes to tweeting from that account that many have not been able to achieve the standard he set.
What and how does he tweet thats so good? Well its all about conversational ability and a fresh perspective. A slightly bent sense of humour and an ability to make you laugh out loud when you least expect it. The best part is that its nor forced. His tweets are genuinely original and there are very few RT's in this timeline.
"Key thoughts for today. A cloudy brain is a suspicious mind. Elvis was wise to know this. Bananas are too curved. Bantam hens are cute." <-- Like seriously. Did @MrSan really spend all night conjuring up such a masterpiece of a tweet? Probably not. And that is the beauty of it all. Off the cuff, random thoughts that rock.
"I'm pretty much the 21st Century Lord Byron. These tweets are romantic gold." <-- not one to overestimate his skills he proudly tweets about his abilities as a wordsmith.
"Would anyone like to share some spoilers with me tonight? I don't feel like watching, reading or playing anything. Ever." <-- its all a bit Monty Pythonesque really. Sort of like the Spanish Inquisition. No body expects the Spanish Inquisition!
So this tweeter is nice, genuine, funny, conversational and an all round great tweeter. The world could do with more tweeters who have those traits.
Be aware though that @MrSan tweets lots. Like lots and lots. Like enough to fill your timeline in for hours at an end. But like I said back up there ^^ the tweets are often fresh and not boring. So it's not like adding your mother in law to your follows list. If anything - quite the opposite.
And the final thought of the day goes, of course, to the tweeter himself -
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