If there is one thing I have learned about doctors and people with PhD's this year it is that they have brilliant personalities and can share a really good anecdote with pure ease. Sarah-Jane (SJ) is a woman whose determination to succeed is matched by her love of beer, motorbikes and the internet. (Lets be honest - she isn't the only one of us who enjoys those things....)
"Moved house two weeks ago, new neighbours have been pinching my newspaper. I'm getting pretty tweaky without my daily dose of newsprint."
What's really neat is that she tweets a whole variety of people! For those of who have been around the social media scene for a while it is easy to follow the same peeps as our friends. SJ though has a completely different set of friends from many of the usual suspects who I usually see people interacting with.
Tweeting is all about what you bring to the table to share. Like a pot luck dinner what you bring is what others get to feast on and can interact with. One way to describe SJ is that she brings the dessert. Like the marshmallows on a skewer or the mousse that everyone smiles after they consume it -
"Probably shouldn't have allowed so many "on the mouth" kisses with my nephews on the weekend. #sick #kindygerms", and this one
"Trying to convince the cat to make the most of being outside, since she's about to go into "new home detention" for two weeks. Unsuccessful."
Sarah-Jane has a healthy relationship with her twitter account and puts only the good stuff out there. She isn't one to sit around and let the grass grow under her feet or let an opportunity pass her by. So you'll need to be a bit nimbe if you are going to keep up with this amazing and intelligent random kiwi tweeter.
And as if getting a PhD wasn't enough @DrSJNZ is now back at University studying towards another degree. If you want to know more about her story have a look at her website http://drsjnz.wordpress.com/. You will discover even more fascinating and new people over there too. So go ahead - follow, follow follow.
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