Saturday, November 16, 2013

Random follow #271 - @Tayroar

There are so many talented kids in New Zealand thats there is no way of keeping up with them.  They are young, smart, sassy and not afraid to break the rules or let barriers stand in their way as they pursue success.  And those are just your standard kids.  Add into that mix someone who is intensely creative and you get someone who is on track to achieve his dreams.

@Tayroar is not afraid to share his mind with you.  Whatever that opinion is that is top of mind - he is ready to let it roll out at you.  Be it on film, in a photograph or spoken word - Tayroar is not afraid to speak his mind.  And to be fair there just aren't enough people left in the world who can do so with wit, sharp sarcasm or enough bite to keep you honest.

Often times the people I have recommended on this blog have been really engaging and hardly ever just tweet.  Tayroar totally breaks that mould.  His standalone tweets are really funny, sometimes nonsensical but always amusing.  Even the one's when he tells you about what his day has been like quite often leave a smile on my face because I can quite often relate entirely.

For example - 

"Dear Otago Uni, please please please accept me. Ill be good, and do work, and things, please. Ill give you hugs!" <-- the aspiring student....

"Someone should go out with me and kiss my face and stuff."  <-- Yes! Yes they should.
"Tomorrow's headlines: a group of heavily lethargic people went on a rampage last night."   <-- context would probably help but as a stand alone tweet it is still very funny.

Tayroar is still really light as far as followers go.  You may or may not want to help him out by hitting the go button but I leave that choice over to you entirely.  If you like your tweets - out of the box, a bit creative and slightly leftfield then please take a look.  And to end this post I will give @Tayroar the final word - 


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