Thursday, March 21, 2013

Random follow #71 - @007GAL

"The name is Page, Sara Page"

Social media person, earthquake predictor (sort of) and all round good tweeter. That is what makes @007GAL worth your while following on twitter.

There is no such thing as the perfect tweet but there are some tweeters who are able to string together a series of tweets and make you chuckle and think "I'm glad I follow this person". @007GAL is one of those people.  I wonder if Agent Q signed off on this gadget that Agent  @007GAL recently purchased -

Tweet 1.   "Mad Farmers sale today, super excited about my new peeler though "

Tweet 2.  "Do I have any veges in my fridge? "

Tweet 3.  I have high hopes for this device, it best not disappoint me haha"

Tweet 4.  " True!! I'll post results later

Telling a story with your tweets is what engages readers and makes you more interesting and fun to follow.  One thing her twitter bio needs is a sign that reads 'No drama'.  Because there isn't any. Simple.  Sara is not a social media superstar if her statistics are anything to go by but twitter is not about quantity.  Its about quality.  And I for one think her tweets ooze quality.

And then I got to thinking.   If @007GAL were a real Bond agent then what would the names of her love interests be?  Here are a few randoms I came up with -

"Gypsy Bare Knuckle Fighter"
"Iron Balls"
"Plenty O'Hair"
"Long John Silver"

Here are some other things I have noticed about Sara - she always has a kind word for everyone.  Her tweets are WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) and she engages with a really wide range of people.  It is nice seeing someone tweet a bunch of different people every day,  Variety is the spice of life and Sara certainly likes to vary her tweets.

And like a few other tweeters I have profiled Sara is neat from the point of view that she tells you what she wants you to know and that is all.  There is a lot to be said for keeping your real life away from what can at times be the big bad world of social media.

And now for that one last great question.  Does she drink martini's?  I have no idea but if she did/does they probably come shaken and not stirred.

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