Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Random follow #59 - @corinh

Since I started writing these Random Kiwi Tweeters blog posts I have been lucky enough to both write about and engage with some really amazing people.  Today's random tweeter is an absolute delight to write about.

@corinh is quite possible the most coolest librarian you will ever meet.  Not cool in a hip or modern fashion kind of way (which he may actually be) but more in a a way that he doesn't come across all geeky.  He tweets really cool tweets and challenges you the reader from time to time as well.

What is the appeal with @corinh?  He is a man of many talents, interests and various other pursuits.  About the only interest that he doesn't have listed in his list of interests is a passion for fancy sports cars.  Such as a MG or a classic Jaguar.

Corin is a man of reflection and deep thought.  He strikes me as someone who has the ability to both reflect on those things that have happened in the past yet can find a balance whereby he lives in the present and in the moment at the same time.  Such a talent is a rare gift in a person.  And what is great is that his tweets don't give him\s internal thinking and musings away entirely.

I once saw an exhibit at Te Papa and the artist created a full life size replica of his fathers outdoor shed.  The thing was though that the door was always locked.  And the only way of viewing the contents of the shed was to peer through the keyhole.  I get that same sense and feeling from some of Corins tweets.  He is happy for you to peer in the key hole and see some of the memories, memento's and articles of interest he has accumulated along the way.  But at the same time (like any good social media user) he keeps his true inner workings safely tucked away out of sight.  He will every so often give you the observer a bone to chew on like this one "I bought a ticket to the world... But now I've come back again...." and yet even though you think you may know someone of the man - you actually don't.  (Editors note - mysterious tweeters and tweets are appealing).

If you combine his deep thinking with some random moments and you will discover that his funny bone is alive and swinging  "Senior moment at sushi store. Forgot the name for Miso".

And I hear he may be looking for a new job too "Do we have a new Pope yet? They haven't returned my calls asking when the interviews are...."

Corin is also an interviewer of people.  With a really nice website and two different podcasts - "Library Chat" and "In My Chair" he is a very busy chap.  Interviewing people is not as easy as it sounds.  It takes a lot of time, preperation and skill to be able to draw out of people their story.  I remember someone once asked Larry King what his secret was to conducting a good interview and he had one answer "Keep asking why".  And with interviewing often times the person who gains much value from the discussion and conversation.

I could keep going on and on and on and on...  much like a Pixie Caramel but you get what I am trying to say.  If you choose to follow @corinh then you will without a doubt be adding value to your twitter life.

Corin is the epitome of that classic saying "You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman".  And his tweet here absolutely sums up the man himself nicely - "Census done!! It's a bit short. I wanted to tell them so much more!!!!"

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