Mid 2012 I started following a tweeter who goes by the name of @nzcows. If there was ever a more self explanatory twitter name than that - I have yet to find it. Colin is a great tweeter and does a really good job of sharing what life is like down on the farm using an interesting lens. He actively engages in #agchat and has introduced me to some other really great random NZ tweeters.
The person whom @nzcows introduced me to recently is @handsmegan. Megans twitter bio is quite an appealing one and it certainly gets the brain cells moving. Here's how it goes at the moment - Practical Environmentalist, Politics geek, Agriculture advocate and proud Rural NZer. And if that bio isn't enough to prove to you that Megan is a farmer through and through, then try this tweet -
"Being up at this hour makes me feel like I should be heading for a cowshed"
@hangsmegan doesn't just tweet about cows and rural life but she tweets about subjects that she enjoys and finds fun too. Much like a mixed farm what you'll find is a pleasant mix of tweets with Megan. And she does tweet - a fair bit. In a good way of course!
And it wouldn't be fair to do a blog post about farming tweeters if I didn't include another delightful lady of farming - @angelahogg. Angela is a really cool person.Much like Megan she works hard and works hard to keep a good balance in her life. And as an advanced notice Angela is organizing the inaugural #tweetup with #AgChatNz in Ashburton at a Farming conference of some kind between the 3rd and 5th July, 2013. See you there?
Editors note - I've never been to Ashburton myself (hint, hint) so if anyone happened to think they'd help me to get there - I wouldn't say no! LOL.
Otago - in summer
and Otago in winter :)
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