Thursday, January 17, 2013

Random follow #18 - @samarasheppard

It is interesting that many kiwi's head overseas in search of fame, fortune and riches.  And it isn't until they achieve something REALLY big (aka a mainstream win of some sort) that people actually get to hear about those people.

@samarasheppard is exactly one of those people.  I have met Samara a few times over the past few years as she was a resident athlete with the educational institute that I work at.  She is a really lovely lass who is full of grit, determination and commitment to her sport.  She is a very humble young lady who is full of life and also a very smart cookie. 

Her sport being cross country mountain biking doesn't get a lot of coverage in the mainstream media in New Zealand but it is a HUGE sport with tons of opportunities overseas.  Did you know she won a World Cup race in 2012?  No.  Neither did I.  But my aim is to keep up with whats happening in 2013!

@samarasheppard  has a twitter account and a Facebook page through which you can keep up with her travels, exploits and undertakings from around the world but mainly in Europe (from what I understand).  And guess what she has her location based as Wellington (yes - yet another Wellingtonian..... but she is REALLY a Rotorua gal)

You're not going to find out too much by just checking out her twitter account but if you link social media with her website -->  <-- then you'll get a pretty good picture of what life is like for a professional elite athlete.

Go hard Samara!

p.s. I hope you don't mind that I 'borrowed' one of your pictures for this blog post Samara!  Let me know if I need to change it or remove it please =)

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