Thursday, November 7, 2013

Random follow #265 - @john_holley

There are some people who give so much of themselves in this lifetime that they really deserve to have a least two because one life is not enough.  They might be completing tasks for the government, volunteering their time to assist others who have needs greater than theirs or just being a really good parent.

Todays tweeter is just one of those people.  @john_holley lives a life that is bigger than just him.  Reading his twitter bio is quite astounding (in a really good way).  The only way to really honour him is to show you his bio here -

"NZ Army officer currently with UNMISS, CIO on sabbatical, ChildFund NZ Board Member, Geek, Husband, Dad, All Blacks/Blues/Auckland Supporter. Loves Kingsland!
Auckland ·"

Whatever I write from here on will focus just on his twitter presence.  There are no words I can muster that could explain or capture the sense of humility I feel being able to honour a man such as John.  So from here on we will discuss what he does on twitter and his approach to social media.

To describe him in 10 words or less - patriotic, eyes wide open , global view, opinionated, balanced, caring and aware.  And here are a few tweets to give a feel for how he tweets - 

"Today was one of those days that made me real proud to be a Kiwi and part of Ngāti Tumatauenga #justsaying #fb"

"Task for night done. I think I am following all the @BluesRugbyTeam players with twitter handles - at least I can live vicariously from afar"

He also has a knack for finding quality content online and shares great articles and news items that cover a multitude of topics and areas of life.  In conclusion @john_holley is a bloody good guy who has chosen to share some of his time, passion and expertise with the wider world through the twitter platform.

I can't recommend him highly enough and totally give him my full support in a social media setting.

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