Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Random follow #254 - @MahonriWilliams

The @peopleofnz account is truly one of the greatest ways to discover awesome people on twitter.  Todays RKT is a person who took the reins, gave the account a good kick in the rump and rode it for all it was worth.  It was during that week of curation that i pushed the follow button knowing that this was going to be a golden opportunity to follow someone of worth.

@MahonriWilliams is a tweeter that I would classify as a brother.  Not a brother like he's a relation of yours or mine but a brother as in the old school definition.  Like as in african american terminology - he's one of the brothers!.  He makes the cool in cat, the smooth in butter and the cream in milk. 

His creative style and approach to twitter is what I enjoy the most.  Its like he has been cut from a similar cloth to the one and only Taika Waititi.  I am not saying he is or will be a movie maker - cos I have no idea about that - but rather its about his ability to look at something quite plain or bland and approach it in an unconventional way.
Here are some examples of what I am talking about - 

"Had an epiphany that I should be a news anchor. 6pm is mine from 2030 onward, so get your hands off!"

"There must be a few coconuts in the mix cos all I hear is 'cheehoo' being echoed around the bay. East Coast has gone multicultural."

"My brain alerts me when I see someone writing with their left hand. I look at them a little bit longer too. Never for right handed people."

@MahonriWilliams is a down to earth, genuine and level headed guy who has been spending a fair bit of time on the East Coast of the North Island.  Maybe its the fresh air or the fact that they get the sun first down those aways that enables him to keep it fresh on twitter.  There are no second hand tweets or rehashed ideas from others,  What you get here is the real deal straight from the prophets mouth.

A description of the brother in 10 words - genuine, level headed, creative, down to earth, funny,original, brilliant.  So this is my twitter recommendation for the day.  @MahonriWilliams a brother like no other from another mother.  Peace.

In closing the best part about is his optimism and sense of direction as evidenced by these two tweets - 

"I'm pretty happy that my life is finally heading in the right direction. It's taken a while but I'm glad I moved home to sort myself out."

"Things are going to happen quickly for me the next few weeks. It's exciting. I know and understand my purpose fully."

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