Thursday, August 29, 2013

Random follow #219 - @MicheCaldwell

I was asked recently what nickname us New Zealanders call ourselves.  My answer was - we're all kiwi's.  It doesn't matter where you've come from or where you're going, if you have lived here at any stage or you still do live then you can proudly call yourself a kiwi.

@MicheCaldwell is a very lovely lady who lives in Taupo.  She made her away across the Tasman Sea to join us here in kiwi land and its her role to tell the world about how good our little country is.  She has an impeccable taste when it comes choosing somewhere to live.  Taupo is an incredibly picturesque place where natural beauty grows in abundance.

Its always a good sign (or at least an obvious one) when you have to trawl way back through someone's twitter timeline to find tweets that aren't conversations or replies to other people.  I much prefer these types of accounts to the other sort (grandstanding tweets).  When someone is truly engaging and really wanting to speak to people then they have just the right acumen to make a great tweeter.  Miche is just one of those people.

Here are a few stand alone tweets that will give you a bit of a sense of @MicheCaldwell tweets - 

"I really wish people would read their emails & check they make sense B4 they hit send! Especially when they are trying to sell me something!"

"Why do they always butcher the Aussie anthem here?"  


"Hubby's eyes are watering (and not from the onions he's chopping) after I told him about the 'fork incident' in Australia!"

Miche is a lady whose employment tasks are a definite opportunity.  Having the privilege of being able to showcase some of the very best bits about New Zealand leads to further chances to see New Zealand and interact with our very finest.  She is a lovely lady with great intelligence, genuine warmth and openness and she also enjoys sitting down and watching a good game of footy.  You couldn't wish for much else in a tweeter really.

To conclude - Miche quite proudly claims her Australian heritage in her twitter bio.  And I have no issue with that.  Except to say - Miche - if you're here long enough you'll soon be calling yourself a kiwi too ;)

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