"love politics love sport love family love been kiwi !!"
James is not a twitter hog, attention seeker and doesn't tweet too much. What he does do is tweets when there is something worth tweeting about. Like news stories, giving credit where credit is due and the occasional tv show update as well. I particularly like tweets like these -
And its really nice (and albeit a bit rare) when someone doesn't tweet their entire life story. Rather what James does is lets people know in a round about sort of way what he has been up to every now and then.
There is as much said in this tweet as what others say in 10 or 15 tweets -
And if you go back and have a look through @yorkstblues most recent tweets you will spot a trend occurring whereby the above tweet is repeated in its form and style. Three to four words that say little and say so much. It would help you if you watch current television shows and keep up to date with current events. And here is an example of why -
"better better better... #xfactornz"
"better better better... #xfactornz"
What little I know of James (which is very little indeed) is that he lives in Wellington. And that literally is all that I know about him because he chooses to engage in social media but in a way that he feels is acceptable. And that ladies and gentlemen is in all honesty quite refreshing.
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