Monday, December 31, 2012

My 2013 Twitter New Years Resolution

Twitter is a community of random people who choose to share their lives, interests, coming and goings with the world.  It isn't for everyone but those people who do use it can be fantasticThis blog is my attempt to discover more and more of those interesting people.  Not only discover them but also try and meet them as well.

My aim is to follow a new random person every day of the year.  After I have followed that person I will post some details (like their twitter bio and pic) onto this blog.
At the end of the year I will have a directory of random people who have chosen to use social media to engage with the world.

There are a few rules though -
  • twitter people must be New Zealanders
  • twitter people can live anywhere in the world
  • twitter people must be interesting
  • twitter people will generally not be 'celebrities' of the first class kind

Note - the inspiration for this blog comes from @evilkud who undertook a full blown tour of New Zealand in 2012.  This blog is my online attempt to try and replicate that tour (in an online kind of way).